Cmdr Zenoe
Space cowboy / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Shadow War
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance X10-09
Overall assets

Logbook entry

Nostromo Log #5

23 May 2020Zenoe

05/22/3306 21:46 [Nostromo]
>>>Day Six. Got a lot to say. Forgot to log yesterday...yesterday was rough, man. No progress made until late in the day--like 21:00 hours late--due to a fire in the cargo bay. We lost one of the survivors--their pod malfunctioned and ended up starting the fire. I made the decision that it would be best to wake the remaining survivors and eject the pods. All the survivors are in good health. Two females, and one male. We have Ichia, trader, explorer, and commander the "USS Sephora"; Marco, her second-in-command and navigator; and finally we have Felicity, Ichia's mechanical engineer. All under mandatory 48 hour quarantine. I spent some time getting to know Ichia and her crew, they seem like good people. I decided to offer the newly awakened people employment on my ship, they accepted. Everyone took up their old positions, with the exception of Ichia, for obvious reasons (laughs).  The crew member that was lost was Calvin, their doctor. Later, I hunted down Garrett and Jacob to offer them better positions on the ship but they said they're happy with maintenance. With everything squared away, I got back to jumping. I think I made close to 50 jumps yesterday. So, ultimately made quite a bit of progress despite the setback. Today was pretty much the same; late start and jump, jump, jump. The Sephora crew remain in good health. I actually spent most of the day talking to Ichia, she's got quite the history. Hutton Orbital, Sag A, Beagle Point, she's done and seen just about all of it as both trader and explorer. She was actually talking about trying a more "exciting" career path, as trading and exploring had become boring to her. I suggested being a combat pilot, I even offered to train her when we get back to the bubble. She seemed quite keen to the idea but said she'd think about it. Back on topic...I'm actually quite impressed with how much progress I've made since I left. Starting from 215 jumps, now down to...69. I probably could make a lot more jumps tonight, it's still early. I'm thinking about taking the next couple of days off. I feel like I could use it.

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