Logbook entry

Commander's Personal Entry - December 1st, 3303

01 Dec 2017Orion Starhunter
While it has been some time now since the last entry, not much has really happened to warrant an entry.

While I know that my superior officers frown on this, as we are required to put in daily entries (and supplemental ones, depending on what is happening)
We have returned to the Avalon system at Noctiulx Terminal, and have been running various missions for the Imperial Empire. The goal is to get access to the Imperial Courier, of which we will use as our new bounty hunter ship. This requires us to unlock the rank level of Master, which is just around the corner for us, as we are at Serf and 97%.

In other news, we have brought aboard a new member of the crew, Lianna Ashley. Lianna is one of our fighter pilots, but also a very kind young lady who has taken over Dan Baxter's schooling duties (of which per one of my last entries we tragically lost) on the USS Discovery. Being as large as the Discovery is, she remains pretty much a large exploration vessel and cargo runner for the time being.

As for now, my first officer and I are piloting the Aurora Sagittarius to make rank to get the Imperial Clipper, and eventually sign up for one of the community goals that allows for bounty hunting, once we get her outfitted with the engineers.

In other good news, an old friend has joined up with us, Commander Lorwynn Falconwind (my adopted sister) and is showing interest in being a pilot. I assured my sister that the crew and I would do our best to help get her situated in the galaxy to start off. Her first ship loss was in a station and not being familiar with the stations rules, her ship was destroyed due to loitering. While this can be frustrating, I assured her that I would show her the "ropes" per say, to basic piloting 101, and would help her out when we can.

Other than that, this is all that has happened since my last entry. I will try to make it a point in which there is less time between entries. As for now, we are preparing to depart from Noctilux and head out on our missions. More later as it happens.

Commander Orion Starhunter
Aurora Sagittarius
Python Class Cruiser
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