Logbook entry

Commander's Personal Entry - December 15th, 3303 - Supplimental

15 Dec 2017Orion Starhunter
The crew of the Discovery and I have returned home to the Avalon system after many hours of helping the refugees at Titan's Daughter.
Our last dock allowed us to rescue the remainder of the stranded refugees to safety aboard the Medical Frigate that was 2Mm above the station in orbit.

Being that this is the holiday season, we contributed our time to help others that could not otherwise help themselves.  I feel a very strong sense of pride for the actions of the crew during this time of crisis, and I am very proud to say we feel we got every last person off the station within our power.

While the Discovery is not a combat ship, she certainly is well capable of transporting the people of Titan's Daughter to safety, and we filled those shoes of that role with absolute admiration.  Along with this, we brought along Cmdr. Falwynn Falconwind with us, who served as an acting officer on the bridge.

We had a few tight spots in which we were not able to get the passengers due to obstacles inside the station, and with Cmdr. Falconwind's assistance, we were able to circumvent and overcome those obstacles.  

The crew was fantastic, helping those who needed medical attention, and supplying them with food and water during this chaotic time.  While I don't ask for any recognition to this brave act, I certainly do wish those refugees well, and hope that they are all able to join their families during the holiday season.

As for the crew of the Discovery, we plan on continuing our journey through the stars, one large family, and meeting challenges such as the one we have faced in the last two days.  If assistance is needed, the Discovery will answer the call.  At some point later on in the day I will check in on the sub-space messages, and see if any further assistance is needed for any of the other two stations that were attacked.  If so, we will depart from Avalon, and head in that direction to once again aide those in need.

For now, we need to head on over to the Lembava system and put in some time for the government in that region.
Along with this, I am contemplating the purchase of yet another starship, one that in a way fills the roll of the Discovery, but on a smaller level.  I haven't made my mind up yet, but if I do, I will be sure to post it.

Until then, be good to everyone, and reach for the stars!

Commander Orion Starhunter
U.S.S. Discovery
Beluga Liner Class Starship

Avalon System / Noctilux Terminal
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