Logbook entry


29 Nov 2019Orion Starhunter
We've finally made our way to Sacaqawea Space Port after a few course alterations, visiting a few planetary bodies that caught our sensor's attention.

Upon final approach to pad 12, the tower radioed to us, "Welcome Ethereal Equinox, and you may want to get her taken care of, you guys look like hell".

After touching down and heading to the docking bay, I took a look at her, 0% Hull Integrity, and the black paint that once covered her sleek design, was stripped to bare metal.
The maintenance guys in the bay were taking pictures to show their buddies, while I offered to shell out some extra credits to make her look new again.

I'm certain it's going to take a few days to get her back to "normal" so we're going to take this opportunity to take a break in our journey to Colonia.
This will give me some time to go over the upgraded COVAS / Computer system, and the FSD / Spore Drive systems and see if all is well.

The kitten named Nebula has been making friends among the crew. She was in my quarters when we landed, sleeping on the bed. The crew seems to really appreciate her presence
and as I had mentioned before, keeping with maritime traditions, she's been good luck so far.

The crew and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner last night among the stars. My wife and first officer cooked the meal and it was, for a better lack of words, stellar.

Will report more as it happens, until then...

Commander Orion Starhunter
Ethereal Equinox
Imperial Cutter Class Starship
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