Logbook entry


24 Dec 2019Orion Starhunter
At 05:56:59. the Ethereal Equinox touched down at Jaques Station in Colonia, bringing a close to the first chapter in our long journey.

The crew and I will be spending Christmas in Colonia, and then pushing on to Sagittarius A for our goal of 3306.
This trip has not been without flaw, however the Imperial Cutter has been fantastic and held up well for her maiden voyage.

We hope to enjoy the festivities here during the holiday, as this will be our 2nd visit with our last being 2 years ago.
The crew is in good spirits, and the little kitten named Nebula has grown a bit, but has brought both the crew and I good luck during our journey.

We hit a close call coming out of Sacaqawea Space Port where a federal gunship almost took off the Ethereal Equinox's port nacelle.  The commander of that ship
had to make an emergency crash landing as his ship had run out of fuel.  Fortunately for us, we were quick enough to move out of the way, which is much easier said
than done in a ship as large as this one. The commander was picked up by the base rescue team, and as I am told is doing fine with only a few bumps and scratches from
the event.

I've gone over all our data regarding the upgraded drive systems and computer interface, so far all is looking good.  We haven't had any issues with either along the way.
We sit now over 22,000 light years from the bubble and for the first time in over 3 months we are able to be within civilization again.
My wife and I are looking forward to some good food, and then we will call it a night.  

From the crew of the Ethereal Equinox to all the crews out there in the universe, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas from Colonia!

Captain Orion Starhunter
Ethereal Equinox
Imperial Cutter Class Starship
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