Logbook entry

Distant Worlds 2 - Launch Day

14 Jan 2019User81382
As expected, a few technical issues but after the second jump all seemed well. My Squadron decided that we are going to head directly to the last waypoint and start fanning out amongst the systems out there to see what we can find.

Everyone (minus one member whom caught up later) posing for a departure picture in the Pallaeni System;

...and an Asp Explorer

We managed to make the first waypoint in 1 hour and 20 minutes. Once in system, we landed together (minus one member) and started our SRV survey (and SRV Tag) of the Planet's surface;

All but one

We are calling this the Pumpkin Patch

Soon we started branching off and doing our own thing;

For approximately 7 hours we have went from the Bubble, to the last waypoint and all points surrounding. We have a weeks worth of exploring ahead of us until everyone arrives from the rest of the fleet.

CMDR MAD_DOG_MacD, Explorder/Reporter
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