Logbook entry

Distant Worlds 2 - Day 1 AL (After Launch)

14 Jan 2019User81382
Like water hitting a hard surface, we spread out pretty quickly and started to discover what needs to be discovered. One little bonus, 2 out of the 3 remaining Members have decided to join us on the expedition as well and along the way, we picked up another one.

Out of 10 Members, only 1 is remaining in the Bubble. Creative peer pressure is required to get a complete set.

It was a day for discoveries, as we are scouring the Omega Nebula. While most of the Nebula has been mapped, we are still finding occasional missed systems and new "Notable" Space Anomalies in the region.

A Black Hole discovery, CMDR Bone1Collector

Lava Spouts and Geologic, CMDR snowyTheRUNT

... and notables, CMDR MAD_DOG_MacD

In total, we've done a bit over 200 systems. Not too shabby at all. Exploration and discovery after all, is the main purpose of the trip.

CMDR MAD_DOG_MacD, Explorer/Reporter
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