Logbook entry

Distant Worlds 2 - Day 10 AL (After Launch)

23 Jan 2019User81382
Barring the episode of getting my Cutter out to the region, I managed to come into the top 25% in just a mere 4 runs. At 640T per run, it wasn't much of an effort.

Our squadron "The Wildcards" was mentioned during the shout outs from CDRWillTRiker on Lave Radio Episode 278. Hard to imagine, but we managed to map 75% of the area for the CG. Wow.

Thanks CDRWillTRiker for the opportunity and we'll make the same effort at the next waypoint.

Along the way, I managed to make a few more Elite Dangerous Friends and will be heading back this evening to cash in the reward from the CG and jump back into Deepwater Black.

While I enjoyed the deviation from Exploration, it will be nice to get back into unoccupied space and do what I enjoy doing best... exploring.

CMDR MAD_DOG_MacD, Explorer/Reporter
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