Logbook entry

Strange lights, wrecked ships and an Ammonia world.

17 Sep 2017Nightsta1ker
When I was in the EAFOTS Sector, many of the data scans were logs from personnel aboard the ships on the Dynasty Project.  Some of these people talked about seeing strange lights in witchspace.  Maybe I'm just going crazy, and this is a common symptom of spending too much time in between star systems, but I'm starting to see some strange lights.  Not every jump.  Not even most jumps, but occassionally, it seems like there are greenish blobs that float by real close to my ship.  I can't quite make out any detail, but they don't look like what you would normally see.  

On my last jump I discovered an Ammonia world.  It was eerie doing a flyby.  Always makes my skin crawl as I recall the stories of Thargoids told before bedtime during my youth.  They are a valuable find, for some reason...  Beats me why, but Universal Cartographics pays good money for a detailed surface scan.  I'll take it.  

To make things even eerier, stopped to check out a degraded emissions signal nearby.  Not many of those this far out.  Some unlucky commander had an accident; ran out of fuel most likely.  Or maybe something more sinister happened....

Decided to jump to the next system before stopping for some rest.  Don't know how much rest I will get.  Every time I close my eyes I see those lights...
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