Logbook entry

Volcanoes, and more stupid mistakes...

01 Oct 2017Nightsta1ker
I'm lucky to be alive after that little stunt.  Got target fixated looking for water geysers and slammed into the side of a cliff.  Battered my ship pretty good and the only thing that kept me from being raspberry jelly all over the inside of my Asp is that I adamantly ALWAYS strap myself in when I am flying.  100% no exceptions to that rule.  And this is why.  Never even found any geysers.  Now my ship is down to 78% Hull and my systems took a beating.  

After spending 4 whole days looking for the geysers that my sensors insisted were somewhere on that blasted planet, I finally decided to move on.  Next system I explore, I find two landable planets with volcanism.  One Silicate Vapor, and one Iron Magma.  No clue how or where to find Silicate Vapor vents.... and after a few hours I gave up, not wanting to have a repeat of my geyser search.  But the Iron Magma system, well, that was a little easier, since they seem to be fairly frequent in the deep canyons that can usually be found on these worlds.  No magma,  but I found some vents.

After jumping into the next system, I picked up a long range signal.  It was a garbled mayday call from some poor commander back in the Pleiades.  Seems like the Thargoids have started doing more than just scanning commanders.  Didn't sound like he had a chance.  Makes me glad I'm out here in the void.  It's been quiet here.  And not the eerie kind of quiet.  Comfortable quiet.  Certain sectors make me paranoid.  The Pleiades, the Rift, the areas on the outskirts of the locked sectors.  I feel like I'm being observed.  But here, I'm alone.  Truly and completely alone.  No ghosts on my scanners or strange wake signals.  If I can manage not to smash my ship to smithereens, maybe I'll just stay out here indefinitely...
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