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First encounter with Thargoids

07 Oct 2017Nightsta1ker

Something is terribly wrong. I can't put my finger on it, but clearly we are not being told everything. After watching the feeds, I was fully expecting to be blasted to oblivion, but it merely scanned me, and left. So I followed it, and snooped as it scanned and scooped up... escape pods? When I would get to close, it would bristle with drones, and turn an angry red, but as long as I backed off, it would ignore me. Clearly, these beings are not out for blood, and only attack when threatened. So who is starting this fight? I'd be willing to bet it's us.

The thargoid legends speak of two distinct groups. One was far more aggressive than the other. I think we are dealing with the less aggressive thargoids now. Which means it might be in our best interest to not turn them into our enemies. Don't buy the hype. All the commanders who are arming themselves up with these new weapons and going "thargoid hunting", I fear, are diminishing our chances of surviving what is likely to be a second wave of much more aggressive thargoids. We should be trying to make contact, and possibly even ally ourselves with this less aggressive species. There are rumors circulating among the Cannon Research Group that these thargoids are running from the more aggressive species, and that they plan to move through human space in an attempt to slow down their pursuers. While it's impossible to tell their motives, I feel our best bet is to learn as much as we can, and not waste precious lives and resources when we have a much more difficult fight ahead of us.

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