Logbook entry

MY BGS Rules

01 Feb 2024User83098
It has always been MY practice to only take control of the main station.
I only have more than 1 station in many systems due to randoms causing so many conflicts over time.
Even then I still try to put stations in factions hands , not my faction.
It is for the Economy.
If all stations are owned by one faction, it is a dictatorship and loses most of its desire to compete.
It is how you destroy the economy in groups of systems.
It is why sooo many cmdrs had fdev insert their butts into MY hard earned systems.
Then they go destroy the economy as their first BGS act.
This usually affects a group of systems and tBh makes them zero fun to work/play in.
Competition is key to a healthy BGS.
Remove the competition and destroy the economy.
The thing is, it takes time to see the results/consequences.
And I have yet to see any PMF even test this. Besides myself.
You might find it interesting to know that I have been inundated with high pay missions since 2015.
As in 25 mil to move 10 tons of gold has been in my missions list much longer than any of the wing mining missions.
They appeared for a reason, and I reshaped systems to see what that reason was.
OWNING all stations in any system that has more than 1 station is 100% undesirable, pointless and the fastest way to ruin any systems economy.
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