Logbook entry

Her name was Heather Pt.10½ (Supplemental)

10 Jan 2018Gmanharmon
Part 10

00:03102 (FNS Valiant, Gunship)Going to [garbled] right now, I'll stay in [garbled] scan.
00:07FNS Dauntless (Anaconda)And 102 [garbled] 226 36
00:15102Five minutes for 102. Twenty thousand light seconds.
00:19Dauntless225 at 33 102.
00:24DauntlessAnd what's your [garbled something about the contact]?
00:27102102's got one 214 3 parsecs out, that's all I've got.
00:31102He appears to be turning a little bit left giving us a left aspect. I'm in single target track.
00:381026 minutes 21,000.
00:44Dauntless113 say your heading.
00:48113 (INV Sickle, Imperial Eagle)113s heading 070
00:5410210 seconds
00:54102102. The bogeys got us on his scope now 8 seconds.
01:03102We're at plane, twenty thousand klicks 6 seconds.
01:06Dauntless103, 113 your vector 100.
01:25Dauntless103 state.
01:31107 (FNS Tomb, Python)One DBX has shot at my leader.
01:35102[garbled]... this is 102, we've been fire on.
01:46DauntlessAnd 102.
01:50DauntlessOK copy.
01:51unknownDid you copy that Dauntless?
01:52DauntlessNegative, what did one of them say?
01:54102, 107         
02:03unknownDauntless, did you just copy 103?
02:05DauntlessThat's negative.
02:05unknownBecause they said they've just been fired upon, that's what they transmitted.
02:15Dauntless103 confirm you've been shot at, over.
02:18unknown relay[garbled]confirm you've been shot at.
02:21102 among interferenceAffirmative.[garbled] shot one of them down.
02:26unknown relayDid you shoot one of them down?
02:29102It was a clean target.
02:34107[garbled]Want me shoot my guy down?
02:35102That's affirm, shoot him... shoot him down.
02:45Dauntless205, 223 vector inbound at this time.
02:49223 (INV Rapier, Imperial Eagle)223 inbound
02:53107Fox 2 kill from music. Fox 2 kill.
02:56102[name] did you get him?
02:58107Yes sir, I did kill him.[garbled several seconds]
03:05107Fox 2 kill. His Remlok is not deploying. He is falling free.
03:08102OK, roger that.
03:11Dauntless106 Reset CAP 5. 106, 110 reset cap 5.
03:14107[garbled]123 DME on the 180. And my state ten two, ten two.
03:27102OK I'm nine five.
03:29FNS Perseus, Farragut Battlecruiser102 107, you are clear to defend yourself.
03:31Dauntless102 107, you are clear to defend yourself. Pass from the ship.
03:35102And this is 102 107, ah two enemy kills.
03:40DauntlessSay again.
03:41102Two enemy kills. Two DBXs killed.
03:45unknown relayTwo DBXs. You copy Dauntless?
03:52107Mine was a Scout, a Scout.
03:59Dauntless102 107 You copy? That's vector north.
04:41Dauntless107, Dauntless.
04:44102This is 102 go ahead.
04:47DauntlessWere one or two hit?
04:55102102 and 107 are fine. We're both headed out. And there are two...
04:58DauntlessRoger that. And confirm you've got two Diamondback kills.
05:03102OK one was a Scout and they're probably both Scouts. And there are two kills.
05:07unknown relayDauntless you copy? There are two kills. Either Scouts or Explorers.

My head hurts.

I fired the Anaconda.  I didn’t kill the Emperor.

The bullet splashed against the glass canopy, startling the Imperial Eagle doing a flyby, causing it to bank hard port and fly straight into the event horizon of Maia B, disappearing from existence.  A Python and Federal Gunship zoomed past, followed by an incoming torpedo warning.

My ears were ringing from firing the revolver in such a cramped space.  I was deaf.

My head hurts.

The torpedo struck the Diamondback amidships and exploded, tearing the vessel in half.  Heather ran to me and clung to my Remlok, which I had somehow put on.  She was wrapped in only a blanket.  A second torpedo pierced the canopy and shattered the glass, but didn’t explode, instead passing through the avionics and clean through the hull.  My helmet slammed shut as the cabin depressurized.

My head hurts.

I watched in complete silence as the revolver was ripped from my hand by the vacuum of space, and Heather soon followed.  Her nude body flailed and spun as she was blown out towards the black hole, finally passing the event horizon.  My mag-boots unclamped on their own and I floated out of the spinning cabin into space, where I saw the FNS Dauntless watching over the scene as the Python and Gunship darted to and fro, hardpoints deployed.

A canister of onionhead flew at me, striking me against the hull of the Dauntless and knocking me unconscious.

My head really hurts.
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