Logbook entry

Memory as foggy as the Orion Nebula

19 Oct 2017DR Platus
<START LOGBOOK ENTRY - SUBMITTED:  1-10-3303 - DELAYED TRANSMISSION <GalNet Restricted Account>:  19-10-3303>

About two weeks ago I woke up in a Sidewinder cockpit, with no memory how I got there, or of it was even my ship.

Systems were powered on, and the AI responded to my inputs, so I guess she belonged to me.  Checking my credit balance, I balked at how low it was... although, I had no idea what it should've been.

Look at the nav display on the HUD, I noticed that I was docked at a station in Eravate, also could not recall how I got there.

I then went looking for some water and pills on my ship to relieve a throbbing headache that had popped up out of nowhere, when my ship's AI notified me of an incoming message.  Someone was outside with some cargo, can't remember what, and offered me 10k to take it to their desired destination.

Decided to accept, as I needed the credits and what the heck, maybe this trading thing isn't so bad...

<END LOGBOOK ENTRY - 1-10-3303 - DELAYED TRANSMISSION <GalNet Restricted Account>:  19-10-3303>
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