Logbook entry

The Trader's Life

30 Oct 2017DR Platus
<START LOGBOOK ENTRY - SUBMITTED: 30-10-3303 - <GalNet Restricted Account>

Didn't have a particularly successful trade run at first this past weekend, but guess when I was basing it on 5-day old+ prices, well. The nice thing about that run was no Interdiction attempts. As matter of fact, I didn't catch a glimpse of a pirate. System Security still scan me on a regular basis, I don't even slow down anymore. This even in a system that I am cordial with, oh well, guess they have to justify their paycheck.

During my second trading run, the pirates were out in force, even getting Interdicted twice in one system. Submitted once just to test my Boost Escape Technique, which worked quite well, as I got away with 84% hull remaining on my shieldless Adder.

So, am changing my trading tactics slightly. Where I would my routes in advance, now I will merely use EDDB or Inara (which I find is more up to date usually), and take it from there. I find I make more credites, quicker, using this technique. Am 75% towards my next ship, which will be kitted out for exploration as I move to Empire space to start gaining some influence and reputation there.

<END LOGBOOK ENTRY - SUBMITTED: 30-10-3303 - <GalNet Restricted Account>
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