Logbook entry

About Customer Care, The Nexus, and almost a Cobra!

06 Nov 2017DR Platus
<START LOGBOOK ENTRY - SUBMITTED: 06-11-3303 - <GalNet Restricted Account>

I still need to find out why the frack my account is "GalNet Restricted", calls to their Customer Care gets me stuck in a loop with AI and something about upgrading some-or-other AP??? Whatever, will leave that for later.

Returned to Citi Gateway after a fairly successful trading run, spending much too much time in Federation Space, and was quite glad to get back to Inara. First was supporting IN's election efforts in Eoto, then moved backed to Citi for mission running, again in support of the Nexus. This got me to 'Friendly" status with the Nexus just before I arrived at CG for some mission-running. Now I have a 'Founder' communicating with me, no longer a "Friend". Pity, Friend Kallis and I spent many late nights polishing off a bottle or two of Kamadhenu Red. Not sure what the Founder likes, will have to find that out, and well, stock up!

Also glad to report that I can smell the new interior of my next ship, a Cobra MKIII. I was planning on fitting her out for an exploration role, and possibly moving to Empire Space, but am enjoying my time in Inara, so might end up with a dual trading/mission build. Just a few more credits before 'Arrow To The Knee' appears in my hangar.

<END LOGBOOK ENTRY - SUBMITTED: 06-11-3303 - <GalNet Restricted Account>
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