Logbook entry

Exploration (sort of), Master of the Empire, and the iCourier

20 Nov 2017DR Platus

Finally arrived in Empire space, did some exploration but not much as that was not my end goal, so cashed in 100k of exploration data at the local Universal Cartographics office. Was interdicted at some point on that trip, so as i had no cargo, submitted to the interdiction. The pirate got all pissy when they realized this, threw some insult at me, and flew off. Turned around to face said pirate after submitted to get a look at them, think they were flying an Anaconda or ASP Scout. Didn't get a chance to look or even fire off the only weapon I had installed, Chaff, before they left.

Flew missions for a few Empire-aligned factions in an undisclosed location (ask FDev why, heh), and got the Empire Naval Rank of Master. Saw that it gives me access to an Imperial Courier, so have decided to get one and outfit it for Bounty Hunting, to make a change from trading and mission running. Just under 3mil credits short of that goal. Once I have achieved the rank of Squire, am going to move to Achenar and align myself with Empress Arissa Lavigny-Duval and the Empire.

I am still a Trader at heart, but think that Bounty Hunting will be a nice alternative and a break from the monotony of a long trade run. Plus, with the iCourier, can submit and shoot back at most ships interdicting me, not just spewing out chaff and running like a girl.

I see that my account is not tagged "Restricted" anymore... wonder if my Empire rank has anything to do with that?

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