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Bounty Hunting Experience in an Imperial Courier

27 Nov 2017DR Platus

Well, the last few days have been an interesting experience, what with moving to my new home in Kamadhenu, and acquiring an Imperial Courier.

I purchased the iCourier prior to my move, then had to fly all the way back to my origin station, as it has some of the components I required.  Once I arrived at Shajn Market, my new home, I arranged to have my other ships that were parked at various stations sent to Kamadhenu.  Must say I was quite impressed there, they arrived quickly and at a reasonable price.

In any case, once I arrived at my new home base, I checked in with the local Empire-aligned factions to see if they wanted me to do anything for them.  But, with them not knowing me that well, regardless of my Empire rank, there were some low-paying data delivery missions, so I did those.  However, my primary reason for purchasing the iCourier was for Bounty Hunting.  I saw quickly that there was not much opportunity for that in Kamadhenu, so hit the local joints where BH types hang out, to find out where the pickings were.  A rather grizzly looking veteran said that there is a Civil War going on in HIP 20277, and that along with the local Res sites, make for some lucrative hunting.  Of course, I had to buy him a few bottles of Achenar Blue before he was lubricated enough to release that data.  I am no whiskey drinker, prefer a bottle or two of Kamadhenu Red myself, but the Blue isn't bad at all.

Anyway, I headed off to HIP 20277, and as soon as I arrived, my ship computer detected multiple CZs and Res sites.  Now, as I am in this for business, I have no interest in the CZs, I decided to check out the Res sites after checking in at Fabian City, and Flight Operations warning me about the local war situation.  Said grizzly veteran had said that as a rookie, I could check out the "LowRes" sites, but pickings are slim and bounties a mere few thousand credits.  He recommended that I should rather hang around "HiRes" areas, as there are more miners due to the minerals available, and as a result, more bad guys, usually with higher and more widespread bounties.

I decided to take his advice, and locked a "HiRes" site into the ship's computer, and off I went.  Initially not much was going on, bar a few miners and their escorts, but they were clean.  Then Internal Security arrived, and starting scanning people, so I followed on of them around (triggering a scan on myself in the process), THEN I got scanned by some random pilot.  So I returned the favour and he turns up "WANTED".  I can't remember what his Combat rank was, but way higher than mine as "Harmless".  So, I fired off a shot, turning his icon red, and making some rude comment too.  Well, he had my shields down in a few seconds, but luckily for me, System Security was nearby, and joined in the fray while I made a getaway to lick my wounds.  

To cut a long story short, 3 or 4 rebuys later (the local insurance agent even had the papers waiting for me eventually), and a couple of million in lost bounty vouchers, I had worked out how to approach this whole Bounty Hunting thing.  If I detected a wanted pilot that generally has a higher combat rating than me, and bigger ship, I follow him around until System Security engages him, or rarely, high wakes it out of the Res site.  Then, while they're engaging him, I can get off a few, or more, shots, and get the bounty.  I also cash in my vouchers every hour or so, just in case I am forced to visit the local insurance office.

I did eventually end off my Bounty Hunting with a profit, not counting lost vouchers, and a ton of experience, and a Pilots Federation Combat ranking of Novice.  All in all, I did enjoy it and will be back, between gaining rep with the local factions in Kamadhenu and trading.

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