Logbook entry

Mission Running for the Empire

04 Dec 2017DR Platus

These past few days I dedicated to mission running and increasing my Empire rank. It was moderately successful, as I did manage to gain another 14% to my next rank, which once gained, will trigger my move to Achenar.

But holy mother of a Thargoid's egg, these "Planetary Scan" missions that the factions have started giving me as I improve my relationship with them are annoying. I managed to completed one, but the second one, part of a chain, was insane. I got too close to the outpost, and defense turrets removed my ship's shields, and 30% of my hull before I ran. Then I was been chased by a ship, I think it was, that was lobbing missiles at my, that took another 20% off of my hull. Luckily 'Wrath Of Jasper' is a fast ship, so could get away without being blown up, but still annoying. I need to revisit how I approach these missions, as they can be rewarding if completed.

Of course, I had received goods as some or other mission reward, but hadn't sold them or ejected them out of my cargo hold yet, so during another mission, some random pirate decides to interdict me. This was just after abandoning the aforementioned 'scan' mission/s, so I was peeved and wanted to blow something up, so I submitted. I scanned his ship, saw his was 'Wanted' AND a lower combat rank than me, so I started firing. This is where it got weird though, he sent off some cargo hatch limpets, my point defense didn't get them all, so breached my cargo hatch. This is all going on while I am busy removing his shields and hull. He keeps saying things like "You made the right choice" etc., yeah, the choice to blow you up fool.

He appears to scoop up cargo, then shoot at me, then scoop up cargo (think I only had about 4t of cargo on-board anyway). Then the cops show up, and want to scan everyone... everyone being just me and the pirate, lol. Anyway, not long after the appearance of the men in blue, the pirate explodes. I couldn't even be bothered to pickup the remnants, think I did pick up a shield emitter because I can, and then carried on with my mission. It was a data mission, so all I lost was a bit of time, I am not sure what cargo I had, doubt it was worth much in any case.

Think I am going to tone things down a bit for my next session, and work on increasing my Trade rank. The most excitement here, for me, is the AI saying "Cargo hold at maximum capacity", and the odd interdiction that I avoid. My trading ship, a Cobra MKIII christened 'Arrow To The Knee" has no shields and defenses, so even the lowliest pirate would have me for lunch in it. I might run the odd mission in it that doesn't involve possible combat, she does those nicely as well.

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