Logbook entry

ASP Explorer and Rares Trading

27 Dec 2017DR Platus

Thanks to the last CG and rescue missions at The Oracle, I had put together enough credits to purchase and outfit my next Trader, an ASP Explorer christened 'Thunder's Truck'. I managed to purchase the ship, and all desired components, in one location, and been Li Yong-Rui controlled, got a nice discount as well.

My goal once acquiring the AspX, was to do some rares trade running, lucrative from what I've heard from other traders in port and on Galnet Forums. I found a route, and set off. Well, some might saw this is boring, or a term I've also seen, 'grinding'. Over 4 days, I did at least 6-8 loops, and made all my money back. Basically, the ASP Explorer paid for its' self and outfitting in that period, including some engineering on the FSD and Sensors. At the various stops, had some interesting chats with the various Station Managers (especially at Fed Stations, as my ship is plastered with ALD's logo), but all was good.

I found out, almost the hard way, that Leestian Evil Juice, one of those rares, is tagged as 'Illicit Cargo' in Federation space. And, managed to successfully boosting into a station without bumping into another ship, or splattering myself and my ship into the other side of the station. After a few runs, the Feds did not appear to interested in scanning me anyway on arrival, usually had a scan or two when departing once I had offloaded said 'illicit cargo'.

One module I did not fit onto "Thunder's Truck" was a Docking Computer, as I had removed it from my Cobra MKIII, 'Arrow To The Knee', when doing rescue missions in the Pleiades as I couldn't use it there, so got used to manual docking. Although, after a few trade loops, got lazy, and had it shipped over to Zaonce, and promptly fitted to the AspX, replacing a fuel scoop I didn't need during the Trade Loops (only needed it to get to Zaonce, and will use it again once I am done here).

Anyway, I have also had my ADS shipped over from Inara space, I think it was, am going to explore the same systems I visited on the Trade Loops, and then head back home to Kamadhenu, and sell the exploration data there for a few credits. While my Fed and Trade Rank/Reputation has done well over these past few weeks, I need to do some Empire Ranking and Bounty Hunting again.

Although, I see that I am not far from the system where Hutton Orbital is located, might decide to lose what sanity I have left, and make the 0.22ly run there.

On a different note, I received a message from a stranger, apparently based in Achenar, that knows something about my history before I woke up in the loaned Sidewinder, and wants to meet there. Once I have the required permit, that will be my first stop.

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