Logbook entry

Out into the Black - Episode 3

11 May 2019DR Platus
My initial plan was to visit the Orion Nebula, and return to the bubble.  Well, as with most plans, they change.  As per my previous entry, I decided to head out to the Rosette Nebula, but that wasn't all.

I have since visited Jellyfish, Monkey Head and Crab Nebulae, and am currently enroute to the Heart & Soul Nebula.  From there, it is my plan to head back to the Bubble, and increase my standing with Farseer, and unlock the resulting engineering upgrades.  At least, that is my idea for now.  My AspX, Thunder's Truck, is holding out well, and after a fresh coat of paint at Station X in the Crab Nebula, she's looking as good as new.

Another CMDR I bumped into at Station X mentioned visiting Guardian Ruins, that has piqued my interest, and while they're 22kLY from my next stop, I may delay my return home, and head out there.

I tinkered with my imaging system, and finally got that working, so will attach some images below.

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︎0 Shiny!
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