Logbook entry

Out into the Black - Episode 4

16 May 2019DR Platus
Alright, after visiting the Rosette Nebula, headed out to the Crab Nebula, and am now docked at Farsight Expedition Base in the Heart Nebula.

There were moments where I wanted to fly into a star, and others where I amazed at the wonders of the galaxy. Long-distance exploration can be intimidating, yet wonderful, at the same time. I would highly recommend it. Thunder's Truck is holding out very well, the Asp Explorer certainly lives up to its' name.

I am going to return to the bubble via NGC 7822, another nebula and wonder of our galaxy, to see if I get get my Asp engineered some more, then will head out again. I was initially planning a Colonia-Sag A trip, but may follow in the footsteps of the DW2 Expedition that went to Beagle Point, as that route sounds amazing. I have signed up for the Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Expedition, due to start on July 6, but if I do follow the DW2 Expedition's route, I will not be back in time. Will see how I feel once I've hung around the bubble a bit.

My adventures and musings can also be found here now: https://www.facebook.com/DRPlatus/

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