Logbook entry


04 Nov 2017MMMMMalcolm
Three weeks. Or has it been three months? Its hard to tell anymore. It seemed like a good idea at the time. But its hard to plan when you are running out of a royal family bedroom, half dressed, and Imperial Guards shooting way before a question even forms in their heads.
Well however long its been I'm here now. The bad news is Sothis and Ceos are back ringed systems, very impoverished, and completely out of control. Snider is an idiot. A high school sub can do a better job keeping seniors in order on the last day of school. It amazes me Federation Unite! has remained the controlling faction out here so long with her at the helm. Or is it him. Its hard to tell some times.
Well at least I won't be running out of his (or is it her) room any time soon.
Now her daughter; that's a different story altogether. No confusion there at all. The ways I could express my gratitude for her family's hospitality... Wait. Focus Commander! Thinking like that is what got you "exiled" here in the first place.
Stick to the hastily contrived plan. Keep a low profile, make credits and rank, and return to your friends with enough firepower to go wherever you want no matter who is looking for you.
However long it's been, it will soon be over and it will be well worth the trouble.
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︎2 Shiny!
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