Logbook entry

Answers Part 2

04 Dec 2017MMMMMalcolm
29 Nov 3303

Kay spent most of the trip back to Herzog Gateway in my Captain’s Quarters. I noticed her walk around the empty ship just a couple of times. Once, she walked to the fighter hangar and sat in one of the GU-97s. The other time felt like an accident when we met at the ships galley. She didn’t say much to me. I figured she didn’t want to start a conversation we couldn’t finish on such a short trip. When the computer announced our arrival in HIP 118321, we tossed what was left of our meals and went our separate ways.

I was on the coms to the dock hands as soon as the landing gear touched the pad. I wanted the ship refueled and prepped for departure ASAP. An hour later, we were leaving the station headed for Damona with another ninety passengers stuffed in the hull. Somehow, a rumor spread about me being desperate for passengers, so the total fare promised barley cleared ten million credits. I
didn’t care. I would have taken spoiled, entitled, Imperials to Colonia for free if it meant spending time with Kay.

“Frame Shift Drive charging. 4…3…2…1…engage.”

Kay walked onto the bridge as if on cue. Again she sat in the co-pilot’s chair. Her legs may have been crossed and the seat reclined at a slight five degree angle, but she was in no way relaxed. Her left hand rested on the left arm of the chair. However, her right hand rested on her lap. It twitched just a bit before she asked her next question.

“What is it that you do for this anonymous, yet autonomous employer of yours? And remember, I’m still holding you to your promise of full disclosure.”

“After I graduated from the Pilot’s Federation, my guardian gave me a Sidewinder and one thousand credits. He warned me not to try anything stupid since forging a pilot’s license was a capital offense. I was instructed to start repaying my growing debt by transporting goods or data from system to system. They took ninety percent of whatever I earned. The other ten percent was left to me for personal expenses, but I couldn’t consider it mine. It was added to the original five hundred thousand credit balance, and then multiplied as interest.

I realized I would never be free if I played by his rules. I started hoarding and hiding half my personal expenses on that chip.

After three months of space trucking, my directives changed.”

Kay’s hand twitched again when I reached into my pocket and handed her a printed list. She wasn’t just nervous, she was scared and that didn’t sit well with me at all.

“I was directed to buy the ships on this list. So far I have purchased a Cobra MK III, a Type 6, an Asp Explorer, and you’re sitting in the Anaconda. About a month ago, I was directed to join the Federal Navy. My goal was to achieve the rank of Rear Admiral to gain access to The Federal Corvette. It’s being constructed as we speak. The order should be fulfilled by the new year.”

“I guess that explains why you’re here,” she thought aloud. “You’re, or they’re after the Cutter.”


“What are these two ships? The Chieftain and the Type 10 Defender?”

“I don’t know. I was told I would be given more information when it became necessary.”

Kay sat quiet for a moment. Then, with the coldest of stares she asked, “What was I then, your first foray into a new slavery directive?”

I was shocked. All I could muster was, “What? No!”

“Then why did you lure me here with that letter? Were you planning to offer me up as a replacement in exchange for your own freedom?”

“It was nothing like that. When I met you in that store, I had just started what I thought was two month’s leave from the Federal Navy. I was looking forward to getting to know you over the holidays. However, that night, my guardian orders me to change my identity and enlist in the Imperial Navy. I wrote the letter so you would not think I was using you.”

“Don’t flatter yourself buddy. If you remember I had just returned home after three years beyond the bubble. Maybe I was using you.”

The computer announced our arrival in Damona. Though my actions were the same as yesterday, you could not have convinced me the trip wasn’t shorter this time around. I growled in frustration. Kay rose to leave. As she walked by, she placed my picture and my chip on my console. She hesitated at the door.

“How long before we reach Herzog Gateway?”

“Not counting the time it takes the passengers to disembark, about twenty minutes.”

“Okay. Then make plans to ferry another group. There’s something I have to tell you.”
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