Logbook entry

Taking a Moment to Help Part 3

22 Jan 2018MMMMMalcolm
Personal Log: Commander Kay Wantz

It’s been eight days and we still have not found the “Malmoneta”.  But Malcolm’s spirit hasn’t dropped one bit. Actually, since we left Sladek Ring, he’s been happier than ever. Maybe it was the gumbo? That perfectly blended mixture of beef, shrimp, vegetables, and pepper, not to mention everything else that exploded in my mouth with each bite, was so good it had me thinking about going back for more. I like to think it was the passion we shared after dinner. The taste of each kiss and the feel of each touch, not to mention the sounds that burst forth when we climaxed, were so intoxicating I did go back for more.

I think the tart spiked your gumbo.

If she did, remind me to thank her the next time I pass through Pegasi.

Yeah like that's ever gonna happen.

I keyed my coms.

“Hey Mar… Malcolm.” Man, I have to stop doing that!

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“This well seems dry. Let’s try our luck with the next unscoopable star on our list?”

“Alright. I’m inputting the coordinates now.”

“Frame Shift Charge Detected… 4… 3… 2… 1… Engage.”

When time and space finally stopped swirling around “Widow’s” canopy, I contacted Malcolm again.

“Hey why don’t you go left this time and I’ll go right? We can meet back here in…”

“Warning! Wing member interdiction detected.”

“I’ve got a better idea.” Malcolm called back. “Lock onto my wake signature and meet me right now. I’m submitting.”

“Ok, see you in a bit.”

Seconds later I dropped out of supercruise onto Malcolm’s low wake signature. Everything I was trying to avoid was staring me in the face. In front of me was the tail end of a black and red Python with a huge skull on the side. In front of the Python were three Eagles and a Cobra MKIII with similar paint jobs. We were all facing “High Horse” as it sat at zero throttle with its hard points deployed.  I deployed my hard points and keyed up my coms.

“Well well, look what we found; a self-righteous Imperial that seems to have lost his way. Tell you what, power down and submit to my boarding party and I promise I will drop you at the closest station outside of Pegasi.”

The voice sounded familiar. I contacted Malcolm over a secure chat line.

“That sounds like the guy we met at the ‘Swamp Cooler’ on Sladek Ring.”

“Yeah?” Malcolm typed back. “I’ll find out for sure. Be ready to space his Python if it is. I’ll draw away the Cobra and the Eagles.”

“I haven’t got all day. Surrender or die!”

“Oooo, surrender or die.” Malcolm chuckled over the radio. “I’m so scared. Big words from such a little man. That is a little man piloting that Python am I right? Nine times out of ten that’s the case; a small man buys a big ship because in the past a bigger man made a fool of him in front of all his boys. Kinda like I did a couple days ago in the ‘Swamp Cooler’ on Sladek.”

Suddenly the Python roared forward towards the Courier; nearly ramming the Cobra and the Eagles in its path.

“Yep, that’s him alright.” Malcolm screamed over the radio.

Malcolm pitched down and boosted under and past the Python. The Python’s burst lasers rippling the Courier’s shields as he passed.  The Cobra and two Eagles gave chase. The third Eagle succumbed to the heat of “Widow’s” huge beam laser. I had pushed the throttle to max as soon as the Python moved, but because I targeted the Eagle first, I lost what advantage I had by being at his rear. Now his nose was pointing right into my left side, giving my shields everything his three burst lasers could dish out. I boosted out of the lasers field of fire, switched flight assist off, turned hard left, and boosted again. A huge evil grin covered my face when I saw him struggle to keep up.

“Scan may say you’re Deadly, but I think it’s because you gang up on your victims, not because your one-on-one skill should be feared. Let me show you what a true Master can do.”


“Ok Malcolm, you have their attention. Now what?”  

The good news was my shields held under the barrage from the Python. The bad news was I lost a ring. Good thing my Courier is faster than the Eagles; not by much but enough. I can’t say the same about the Cobra. It’s gaining on me. It’s ok though because that is what I want. C’mon, leave your help behind while I turn flight assist off, flip my ship 180 degrees, fully reverse my throttle, and introduce you to my two beam lasers.

“Target shields are down.”

“Oh don’t turn away now; you haven’t met my missile rack yet.”

“Target destroyed.”

“Hmm, I guess you weren’t an Expert after all.”

I quickly transferred power to engines and shields and turned my ship towards the Eagles.


The Python did have a few tricks up its sleeve; namely some shield cell banks. They have managed to keep his shields up and my ship running hot.

“Malcolm can you give me a hand? The Python is banking on me; I can’t get his shields down.”

“On my way; I just finished off the last Eagle.”

“I’ll target his powerplant. You target his com array. I don’t want him calling for help.”

Malcolm arrived and easily slipped in behind the Python.

“Target shields are down.”

I was just about to spray him with four multi-cannons, when a group of missiles shot out of the Courier and ripped the Python to shreds.

“Nice shootin Tex.” Malcolm quipped over the radio.

“Thanks, you weren’t so bad yourself.”

“I don’t think little man had time to call for help, but I don’t want to wait around and find out. Let’s jump to the next unscoopable star on the list and come back to this one later.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I replied. “Lead the way.”

When time and space finally stopped swirling around “Widow’s” canopy, I got a new notification on my console. An Unidentified Signal source was three hundred light seconds to my right. I broke nav-lock from Malcolm and turned toward the source. Three million meters… two million meters… one. I dropped out of supercruise onto the source.

It was another wreck. I didn’t get my hopes up though, we’ve seen a lot of wrecks over the past week; none of them were an Asp Explorer. I turned on my lights and scanned the sight. My heart jumped in my throat. The ship was mainly intact except for a huge hole in the cargo bay. That made it easy to identify as an Asp Explorer. When I guided “Widow” up and over the top of the wide fat ship, I screamed.

“Malcolm! Get over here quick! I found the ‘Malmoneta’!”
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︎3 Shiny!
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