Logbook entry

Generations (EPILOGUE)

16 Feb 2018MMMMMalcolm
“Rise and shine 4773821. The boss wants to see you.”

Wow, I know it didn’t take Salazar a month to corroborate our story. Either he was really upset about having that gun shoved in his face and he just now got the nerve to face me again, or he feels I have rotted long enough in this resort prison and my story will change. I hopped up off the cot of my cell; eager to show him how wrong he would be on both counts, especially if he foolishly dismisses his guards again.

The guard escorted me to a booth where a clerk handed me the clothes I was arrested in thirty days ago and verified every item was accounted for. I guess the director wants his prisoners to look presentable in his presence. The guard removed my cuffs and directed me to a nearby room where I could change out of my tan jumpsuit. A moment later he escorted me out of the prison.

As my eyes adjusted to the artificial sunlight, I felt a body slam against mine and a long, wet, passionate kiss demand my face’s attention. When I realized it was Kay, I quickly returned the affection. She was wearing some black boots, tan cargo pants, and a black t-shirt.

“Ahem, ahem!”

I didn’t notice Felicia Duncan standing a few feet behind Kay. She was standing with her arms crossed in a maroon pant suit. Kay turned my head back for another kiss, ignoring the woman.

“If you anger the director again and are returned to our station’s rehabilitation facilities,” Felicia stated, “I assure you you will remain there until you die.”

We submitted to the assistant’s interruption.

“We’ll finish this later.” Kay whispered in my ear. Then she grabbed my hand and we left with Ms. Duncan.

The shuttle took us to the same titanium and glass building. The wood paneled elevator carried us to the same top floor office. It wasn’t until the elevator door opened that I began to notice some differences. There were no guards. Along the right wall was a bar made of cherry wood and brass. It was filled with various crystal decanters and glasses to serve the desires of the director or the director’s guests. Along the left wall was a large holo-screen mounted on a motorized arm. It automatically adjusted its angle for the best view of the closest set of eyes. It was muted but it showed a male newscaster discussing a Galnet topic displayed on a banner below his image. The newscaster looked a lot like Milan Salazar. The conference table had been replaced by a tasteful furniture ensemble that included a brown leather couch facing away from us, brown leather sitting chairs facing us, and a cherry wood coffee table between them.  Beyond them, closer to the all glass wall, sat an elegant cherry wood desk and two more brown leather sitting chairs. The high backed executive chair behind the desk rotated towards us to reveal the director.

“I don’t think I will ever get bored of watching the ships come and go.”

The new director was a young, tanned woman with red hair. She wasn’t much older than me; maybe thirty three at most. She too wore a maroon pant suit but her jacket was trimmed in black, tuxedo style. She rose with a smile and extended her hand to greet us.

“I am Aide Marin Mason, the new director of Vasilyev Vision. Please have a seat.”

“What happened to Advisor Milan Salazar?” I asked as we sat in the respective chairs around the desk.

“Mr. Salazar chose to accept an assignment where the information he handled was much less vital to our system’s security.” I glanced back at the holo-screen on the wall. “He broke a number of laws we established to protect our citizens during an investigative interrogation and determined a hefty fine and a demotion was preferable to incarceration.”

I became a little irritated. If Salazar broke the law, why was I locked up for thirty days? I asked Boss Baby as much.

“Come now Commander, you really didn’t think you could threaten the life of a system official and walk away if you promised not to do it again?” Marin looked at Kay with a smile. “He’s cute; I see now why you like him.” She turned back to me before continuing. “The only reason you’re not locked away servicing our tourist beacons for the rest of your life, is because the DNA we collected from you during inmate processing matches the sample collected and recorded the day you were born. You are who you say you are, the son of Jim and Maurine Goodwin, born in Alioth on Argent’s Claim, on June 19, 3274.”

I glanced at Kay with renewed joy and hope, but it faded as Marin continued.

“They were respected members of our Navy. In honor of their service, your sentence was reduced, your record has been cleared, and permission to Alioth has been granted.”

“So it’s true,” I asked. “My parents are dead?”

“Yes and I am sorry for your loss. On behalf of the Alliance, please accept our condolences. Since you are their sole surviving blood relative, I was able to obtain an un-redacted copy of their service record for you.” She slid a holo-disc encased in plastic towards me. “It should answer any further questions you may have. Also, they had a will created the year you were born. It stated that if something ever happened to them before you reached your tenth birthday, this holo-disc was to be stored for fifty years or given to you at a time when you could independently view and comprehend it in a safe, private setting or whichever came first.” She slid another holo-disc encased in plastic towards me. Written on the case in black marker were the words, “To our son: Malcolm”. I fought against the tears when I read it.

“It would seem our business here is now done.” Ms. Mason rose and extended her hand again. Kay and I rose to shake it. “Welcome to the Alliance Commanders. If I can assist you in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask.”


It didn’t take us long to get back to ‘Breathless’. As soon as I was able I made my way to the bridge, brought up systems control, and activated SHAE. SHAE is the Ship Health And Efficiency advisor; the AI system. A minute later Kay entered the bridge.

“Welcome back Commander.” SHAE stated as her systems came online. “How may I help you?”

“SHAE do a complete ship scan for unauthorized listening devices.”

“Scanning. Please stand by.”

“What’s wrong?” Kay asked. “I have been on the ship the whole time you… were gone. No one else has been on board.”

I did not answer her. The Anaconda is bigger than a holo-ball field; a whole squadron could slip on and off it again before one person notices if they weren’t looking.

“Scan complete Commander. There are no unauthorized listening devices aboard the ship.”

“SHAE do a complete ship scan for unauthorized or illegally modified tracking devices.”
“Scanning. Please stand by.”

“I believe you,” I stated to Kay before answering her question. “It’s just that they had me red handed on that license violation; yet, they not only let me go, they gave me access to their permit restricted system. Something smells.”

“Scan complete Commander. There are no unauthorized or illegally modified tracking devices aboard the ship.”

“SHAE list every entry and departure of this ship by anyone other than myself or Commander Kay Wantz for the past thirty one days.”

“Stand by.” A moment later she replied. “No one has entered or departed the ship during that time period.”
I let out a sigh and relaxed a little. Kay just stood there silent.

“Look, don’t think I don’t trust you. Everything we’ve been through lately, there’s no doubt you’ve got my back. It’s just that those same trials have got me jumpy; I had to double check.”

She still didn’t respond. I had no idea if she accepted my explanation or not.

“Vasilyev Vision has been quite the experience for both of us; nowhere near my idea of a vacation. Let me change so we can go through these service records.”

Still nothing, she just followed me back to my quarters and plopped on the small couch. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye as I went into the bedroom to change. She ignored me. Well, I guess the ‘We’ll finish this later’ is out. After a while I sat down beside her in some sweat pants and a t-shirt. I logged onto the Galnet laptop and loaded up my parents’ service record.

Alliance Joint Naval record of Jimmie W. Goodwin
Alliance Joint Naval Record
Join Date: 12/03/3270

Primary Information
Full Name: Jimmie Walter Goodwin
DOB: 21/04/3249
Gender: Male

Location of Origin
Home System: Alioth
Home Planet/Station/Settlement: Argent’s Claim

Basic Service Information
Rank: Lieutenant
Assignment: Science Division
Specialty: Physics
Status: Deceased

Alliance Joint Naval Record of Maurine E. Goodwin
Alliance Joint naval Record
Date: 05/05/3270

Primary Information
Full Name: Maurine Elaine Harris
DOB: 31/07/3250
Gender: Female

Location of Origin
Home System: Alioth
Home Planet/Station/Settlement: Argent’s Claim

Basic Service Information
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
Assignment: Science Division
Specialty: Biology
Status: Deceased

I scanned their records and learned they were both given secondary education scholarships by the AJN Academy. Upon graduation they were promoted and assigned to the AJN Science division. I assumed they met and wed at the academy because I was born right after their graduation.

“According to this, their first and last assignment was the AJN Lion in 3276. It was an Alliance research ship that was lost while investigating a strange object of unknown origin called the LRA (Liazeda Radio Anomaly) in the vicinity of Liazeda (-12,3).  Two small crews assigned to separate support vessels were the only ones to return from the assignment.” The records also included an early map of the inhabited galaxy.

I slumped back in the couch. I finally had my answers, and they were warping my mind as I processed them. Kay finally stirred. She reached over and removed the service records disc and replaced it with the other disc. It was a short slide show with my mothers’ voice speaking in the background.

My dearest Malcolm,

If you are watching this it means our worst fears have come true and the dangers of our profession have taken us from you while you were too young to understand. Your father is Jimmie Walter Goodwin. I am your mother, Maurine Elaine Goodwin. You are our only son Malcolm Goodwin; a handsome, intelligent boy that we know has grown into a handsome, intelligent young man. Forgive us for not being there to protect you, teach you, comfort you, and support you as you grew. We would have wanted nothing more out of life. Just know that we love you and we will always love you.

Mom and Dad

I couldn’t fight the tears this time. They flowed down my face. Kay watched with her head on my shoulder. It was drenched as well.

“I’m sorry for second guessing you earlier. I explained my actions but I never apologized for them. I was out of line.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She said. “I understood why you were freaking out. Let’s get some rest. We can worry about pirates, and factions, and aliens later.”

Aliens. An alien anomaly snatched away my parents. Alien augmented freaks snatched me away from my home. I was beginning to despise aliens.
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