Logbook entry

More Friends

24 Feb 2018MMMMMalcolm
Not everyone in ‘The Jackhammer’ bar was so cheerful. One gentleman sat alone in a booth near the back of the bar. The lighting wasn’t that good and it seemed he preferred the shadows. He hunched over his drink ignoring the celebrating patrons.

It wasn’t mandatory that everyone take advantage of my generosity, but the guy already had one drink, I thought it strange he would turn down another free one. Curiosity got the best of me; I couldn’t leave it alone.

“Mind if I sit down?” I asked. The loner didn’t answer. Maybe he didn’t hear me over the patrons who took up a bar song. The whole bar, even the waitresses, was singing at the top of their lungs. Well, except for me and my new friend. I sat in his booth across from him; my back to the revelry. From what the little lighting revealed, he had on a black shirt underneath a black leather jacket. His goatee looked a bit long and scruffy, like he missed a few shaves. His hair looked a bit ragged, like he missed a few cuts. Despite the darkness, he wore dark, silver framed sunglasses.

“You lost buddy?” he asked in a low grumble barely audible above the noise.

“I’m Mal…”

“I know who you are. You’re the guy who’s got everyone all riled up disturbing my peace.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you. My wing mates and I are celebrating the addition of a new member and wanted to share the occasion. Can I buy you a drink?”

“I got a drink. So if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go back to drinking it… alone.”

I was just about to get up and rejoin my friends when he asked a question.

“What’s the name of your wing?”

“Armed Wanderers Enterprises.”

“That’s a mouthful. What do you do?”

“We are a protection agency. We provide secure VIP transport and secure data transport. We track down wanted criminals. We locate and salvage lost ships. And we escort explorers safely across the frontier.” The guy shifted in his seat. He swallowed the last of his drink and slammed the empty glass on the table. He leaned out of the shadows towards me.

“Sounds like false advertising to me.” I focused on the lenses of his glasses while I waited for him to explain. “I came here because I haven’t had a drink in four days. A group of pirates attacked my trade convoy on our way here to deliver robotics and computer parts. I was injured and blacked out when the canopy on my Type-9 shattered. I woke up in the hospital four days ago. I would say I was lucky except I lost my childhood friend Barry and my fiancée Diane. Where was your fancy pants wing when I really needed it?”

My heart sank and I looked down at the table.

“I’m sorry. We’re a new organization. We don’t have many members yet, but stories like yours are the reasons why we came together. Our goal is to make the galaxy a safer place.”

“Sounds like you could use some help. For years I’ve been dodging the dangers of space. I’m tired of running, spending so much on repairs and medical bills I barely make a profit. I have an expert combat rating. Do you mind if I test its limits with you?”

“I don’t see why not. Do you have a ship?”

“No, but I can get one. All I need to do is complete the insurance claim.”

“Then there is only two other things l require of new members. Tell me your name and let me buy you a drink.”  For the first time that night he smiled.

“My name is Aticus Jade and I’m drinking Lavian Brandy.”

I reached out and shook his hand. After the waitress brought his brandy and another grape juice for me, we talked more about the wing. I introduced him to Kay and Dave and shared my goals. Aticus was eager to help; even offered to recruit more pilots. When we left the bar to retire for the evening he asked if we would drop him at Hertz Orbital in nearby LP 906-9 in the morning. We did and then headed back toward Alliance space. Later that day we got a picture of his new ship, the ‘AWS Eclipse’.

“You boys have some pretty nice toys,” Kay said. “But if you really want this organization to be special, you better recruit some more women.” That made me chuckle.

“I got two male pilots. You better get to work or you’ll never catch up.” Kay didn’t dignify my statement with a response. I smiled as the FSD engaged toward our next jump.
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