Logbook entry


16 Mar 2018MMMMMalcolm
Ross 490 is a high tech system and Dunyach Enterprise is its crown jewel. The huge coriolis star port spits out Resonating Separators like an overcharged multi-cannon.  When it’s not throwing up technology, it’s scarfing down minerals miners haul in from its five ringed gas giants to process in its refineries. It oozes credits, and people from all over the galaxy attempt to steer what they can into their accounts.

One such person was Odell Hickman. A quick peek into his background revealed he was once an apprentice of Zachariah Nemo. How he ended up here I’ll never know. But it appears he’s made some pretty sweet lemonade out of his lemons.

“Welcome to my shop commanders. What can I do for you?” Mr. Hickman was a young man with golden blond hair. He wore polished leather shoes that were so shiny Kay could have done her makeup in them. His black pants were lent free with sharp creases. I was surprised he did not cut himself putting them on. The black and red jacket he wore over a black shirt was also lent free and fit him like a glove.

The man was clean like his shop; nothing out of place or a speck of dust anywhere. His face was even shaved clean, and that face was eyeballing Chase who brought a crumbly yellow ration bar with him. I slid between them, pulling Kay with me, to try and block his view.

“We hear you’re able to turn sentinel scrap into Thargoid killing weapons. “ I stated. “If that’s true, we may be in need of your services.”

“Oh it’s true,” he replied as he kept a watchful eye on Chase despite our efforts. “And I only make the most powerful guardian weapons; the Guardian Plasma Charger and the Guardian Gauss Cannon. “ He craned his neck around us. “Do be careful commander. The circuits in that prototype Shard Cannon are extremely sensitive to foreign objects.” Chase had wandered over to a nearby workbench. He refrained from leaning over with his snack when the broker called out to him.

“Tell us about the Gauss Cannon.” Kay asked, refocusing the dealer’s attention.

“Most of my customers come for this weapon. It is an electro-magnetic projectile weapon similar to the rail gun we use these days. The difference is its ammunition is pure energy. Also, the weapon ionizes the path to its target before firing that energy along the ionized track. Saying it’s effective against shielding is a huge understatement. Sir, I have to ask you to take that outside.” Chase managed to drop the last bite of his bar on Hickman’s pristine floor.

“Sorry,” he mumbled through a full mouth, spitting crumbs everywhere. “I’m gonna see if there’s a bar nearby. I need something to wash this down with.” He turned to leave, but not before requesting, “Malcolm, get me one of those Gauss Cannons will ya?”

The frustrated broker called out to his assistant. “Justine.” A young teenage girl came out from the back of the shop. “See if you can clean up that mess while I attend to our guests please.” Justine departed then returned with a small vac, some fine haired brushes, a cloth, and a bottle of some green liquid cleaner. In less than a minute she had the shop spotless again.

“Now, where were we?” Odell seemed a bit more relaxed as Justine finished her task. “The Gauss Cannon is an impressive weapon, but I’m particularly fond of the Guardian Plasma Charger. It too ionizes the path to its target before firing along the ionized track. However, it’s capable of a more controlled release of plasma than a standard accelerator, allowing you to easily regulate the power of the shot. The longer the trigger is held, the greater the shot’s damage. The maximum damage potential of the Gauss Cannon is rated at 5600. The maximum damage potential of the Plasma Charger is rated at 17000; almost three times as much.” Kay and I looked wide eyed at each other.

“We’ll take one of each,” we told the broker in unison.

“Splendid! But I must recommend the Guardian Power Plant as well. It’s much more suited to the power demands of these weapons than our current power plant technology. It’s not required, but the last thing you want to experience is a fried circuit in the middle of a battle. As a bonus, it runs our modules much more efficiently.”

“Alright, throw that in as well.” I agreed. “How long will all this take?” The broker uploaded a list of required materials onto the data tab on my wrist.

“If you have these materials, I can have everything ready for you within five days.” I typed a few commands into my arm mounted device.

“The materials are on their way. I look forward to hearing from you in five days.” I reached to shake hands. Mr. Hickman kept both hands behind his back.

“It’s been a pleasure doing business with you commanders. Good day.” He turned and disappeared into the bowels of his shop. After a moment’s hesitation, Kay and I left as well.


We left Ross 490 and headed to Sol. Luke and David agreed to meet us on Abraham Lincoln. I was nervous, not about meeting the new members, but because we were so close to Kay’s family and what that represented. It’s hard to avoid someone on an Asp, but we haven’t said much on a personal level since we left Meene.

Kay said she wasn’t proposing, but I think she did. Things were different.  Maybe I was already, but now I felt responsible for Kay’s feelings. I don’t know how to explain it. I just felt more comfortable when respect was implied not contracted. Meeting Kay’s parents looked more and more like the first paragraph on a relationship contract.

“Malcolm… Hello, Earth to Malcolm.” Kay stated.


“Weren’t you listening? Luke asked if we were a mercenary organization.”

“Oh, no we are more like a private protection agency. We don’t hire ourselves out as a fighting force unless it is to remove a pirate organization from a system. We’re not interested in the tug of war between power mad politicians.”

Luke nodded his understanding before ordering another beer. He was a Federal Navy veteran. His head was completely bald except for his well-kept goatee. And he sat with a confident strength that greatly contradicted the gray color of that goatee. I was sure he’d forgotten more about combat than I had learned in my thirty years of existence.

“Well if that’s the case, count me in. If there is anyone I hate more than pirates, its mercenaries. Mercs hold no loyalties beyond themselves. I’ve seen firsthand who they worry about when things get hot. That’s not the character I want watching my back in a tough spot.”

“And what about you?” I asked, turning to David. “Is there anyone you hate more than pirates?”

David sat quiet in the corner of our booth. He made sure he could see everyone that came and went from the bar. His haunted brown eyes didn't miss a thing. His deep black hair matched the the jeans, leather jacket, and black steel-toed boots he wore. After taking a sip from his whiskey, all he said was, “Slavers”.

“Yeah we kinda got that from your membership application. Care to elaborate on that?”

“Nope. I don’t like ‘em. If you guys have a habit of bringing ‘em down, I wanna help. I consider everything else a bonus.” He went back to sipping his drink and watching the door. He didn’t say much else the rest of the night except that he was able to amass a small fleet of ships since he’s been a free man. The most notable ones were an Asp Explorer, an Anaconda, a Vulture, and two Pythons. Both guys were pretty good pilots. Luke owned an Asp Explorer as well. I was convinced they would make fine additions to our wing. Kay had a few more questions.

As they talked, my mind drifted back to our next appointment. We had a few more hours before our shuttle departed for the Earth’s surface. In a few hours I would be studied closer than an Earthlike water world discovered in the black. I began to wonder who she resembled more, her mother or her father.

“…forgive Malcolm.” I heard Kay say my name. “He’s usually more attentive to the things going on around him; especially when they concern his wellbeing.” The last part she said while giving me the most evil look. I looked at the time on my wrist mounted data link.

“Well gentlemen, Kay and I have another appointment, so I’m going to cut this meeting short. Excuse us. Chase here will keep you company in our absence.“ I exited the booth and extended my hand to each of them. “Welcome to AWE. I’ll contact you in the future concerning your duties. Don't worry about the bill; I got it and I'll add some to it in case you want some more. Until we meet again, fly safe commanders.”


Kay turned towards me on the shuttle. “What’s wrong?” I looked away from the window near my seat.

“What, nothing’s wrong.”

“Something’s wrong. You’ve been absent ever since Meene; ever since I asked you to meet my parents. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. You’re a grown man.”

“No, no I want to meet them. I’m just nervous about what they will think.” I’m nervous about where this is going as well I thought.

“Don’t worry, they will see, as I have, how caring you are.”

“I don’t know, dads are protective of their little girls and moms want better than what they got.”

“Dad is all bark; he will love your can do attitude. Mom… you may be right on that point. I’ll let you cross that bridge when you get there.”

“Perfect.” I stared back out the window at the looming planet's surface.
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