Logbook entry


20 Mar 2018MMMMMalcolm
Kay didn’t give me any intel on her family, so I couldn’t, as she put it, ‘control this hunt’. I had to revert back to my time on the streets. There I learned to blend in with my surroundings and watch like a predator stalking prey. Everything told me something; what I saw, what I heard, what I smelled, what I touched. And before long they uncovered truths that were believed to be sufficiently hidden.

First up was Kristina Wantz, Kay’s baby sister. She met us at one of the many shuttle terminals located on the south western side of the Americas. She wore black strappy heels revealing a detailed pedicure finished with red polish. A pair of skin tight beige slacks revealed a behind that was similar but slimmer than Kay’s. Her black short sleeved silk shirt was barely buttoned past half way, revealing part of a tattoo on her right breast.

“Kay Kay!” she shouted fifty feet across the terminal. “Tina!” Kay replied. They rushed into each other’s arms for a long embrace.

“Who’s your handsome escort?”

“Kristina, this is my partner, Malcolm. Malcolm, this lovely lady with the wild hair is my baby sister Kristina.”

“So you’re a bounty hunter?” she asked as she extended her hand and looked me up and down with big brown eyes.

“Among other things,” I answered as I shook her hand.

“How much of those ‘other things’ personally involve my sister?”

“Tina,” Kay interrupted. “That’s none of your business young lady.”

“Why not? If your relationship is all business maybe he could use something a bit more personal.” Kay stood mute.

“I don’t think my business relationship with your sister would survive something personal with you.” I answered.

“You’re probably right. I doubt you’d survive it either.” The look in her eye said she’d be willing to find out though. She turned to lead us out of the station. “Come, daddy’s driver is waiting. Let’s see if you survive the rest of your visit.” Kay and I both stood watching her walk away for a moment before following.

After a forty five minute ride, daddy’s driver guided our hover limo into a large gated complex that rested in the side of a nearby mountain. We stopped in front of a huge white brick and grey roof mansion. A servant, dressed in a tuxedo and white gloves, met the vehicle and opened the door so we could get out.

“Welcome back Miss Kay.”

“Thank you Henry.” She greeted the elder gentleman with a peck on the cheek.

Kristina ran ahead. Kay grabbed my arm and walked me inside. I surveyed my surroundings. All around me was polished wood, marble stone, and glass. Maybe I should have worn something a bit nicer than my boots, jeans, and t-shirt.  Henry came and asked for my leather jacket. I hesitated before relinquishing it. It wouldn't have made a difference in my appearance anyway. We made our way to what I was certain was one of the smaller sitting rooms in the house.

"Kay Kay! You're back."

"Hey La-LA".

A woman a few years younger than Kay left the baby crib she was assembling and rushed to hug her. She was barefoot in a pair of jeans and a white tank top. They bulged with the life growing inside her. A sleeveless orange duster, that hung to her knees, kept her modest. A large curly afro framed a symmetrical face and beautiful brown eyes.

"You shouldn't be doing that in your condition. Where's Frank?"

"Girl I'm only four months pregnant. It won't hurt me or the baby to put together a crib while my husband is at work. Whose your friend?"

"Carla, this is my partner Malcolm. Malcolm this is my little sister, Carla."

"Pleased to meet you." I stated, shaking her hand. I relaxed a little looking at her outfit.

"Carla!" A voice called from the stairs behind us. "I would expect Kristina to entertain guests half dressed, but not the wife of a future senator." Kristina giggled a little as she lounged on the couch then replied.

"At least the guest would be truly entertained." Everyone ignored her comment.

"Pleased to meet you as well Malcolm. Will you excuse me?" Carla exited up the stairs past the woman who just entered.


"Yes madam."

"Have someone finish this crib for Ms Brooks and take it to her wing."

"Right away, madam."

The woman wore a dark green zippered sleeveless top with matching pants. A ring of pearls circled her neck and her right wrist. Her black hair was pulled into a ponytail behind her head.  Her exposed face could have easily passed as Kay's older sister if it weren't for the fact Kay was the oldest sibling at twenty eight years old. No, the calculating eyes that scanned me belonged to the matriarch of the house. The ease I felt seeing Carla, quickly left.

“Kay honey, what a surprise; is there another holiday looming? What brings you back home again so soon?”

“It’s good to see you too, mother.” Mrs. Wantz flashed a smile, but it was cold and insincere.  Henry returned with two similarly dressed servants to remove the half assembled crib. She turned her gaze to me.

“And who have you brought unannounced to my door?”

“Mother, this is my partner, Commander Malcolm Goodwin. Malcolm, this is my mother. I sent daddy a message informing him of our visit. Did he not inform you as well?” Kristina sat up from her position on the couch.

“I may have intercepted that message,” she confessed. “Daddy never got. I thought it would be fun to surprise him. Surprise!” Mrs. Wantz glared at her child before she restored her mask and addressed me. She took a couple steps down the stairs but made sure she remained head and shoulders above everyone else in the room.

“Forgive me commander, if I had known you were coming I would have been more prepared. Can I offer you something to drink?”

“I’ll have a cranberry grape juice if you have it.” I asked relishing the fact Mrs. Wantz didn’t expect such an odd request. Henry left to get my drink and she took the final steps into the room. I also enjoyed being four inches taller than her.

“Please have a seat,” she said. We took positions on the couch. I sat closest to Mrs. Wantz. Kay sat next to me, moving Kristina to a nearby chair. “Now what sort of partnership do you have with my daughter?” Henry returned with my drink. It was ice cold and delicious. They must have had the best synthesizers money could buy.

“Kay… um, I mean, your daughter and I own a private protection agency.” Mrs. Wantz frowned and looked past me at her eldest.

“Still convorting with thugs and killers I see.” Kay gripped my hand. I could feel her heat on the back of my neck.

“At least when I do, I don’t try to pretend and call it politics.” Mrs. Wantz’s face didn’t waver. She was quite comfortable in the debate arena and I was certain she had heard the argument before.

“Political leaders are just that my dear, leaders. We don’t convort with common folk, we direct them. So, there is no pretending in any of my dealings, just power.”

“Oh give it a rest mother,” Kristina chimed in. “Not every woman’s ideal position is under some up and coming politician.” For the first time I saw a crack in Mrs. Wantz demeanor. Anger and frustration flashed across her face and then it was gone.

“When you are certain of who you are, let alone what you hope to become, then you can address me in that manner young lady. Until then, the adults will speak and the spoiled rebellious children will remain quiet.” Kristina chose instead to leave the room. Mrs. Wantz resumed her gracious position and addressed me again. “I don’t know what my daughter has told you commander, but all I want is for my daughters to have long, luxurious lives with promising futures. I believe Federal society offers them their best chance at that reality. So far only Carla has understood my position and married Frank Brooks, a rising senator in the Federal Congress.” She looked me up and down again. “Can you sit there and tell me your little agency will offer her a life better than that?” I finished the rest of my drink in many slow swallows. Politicians didn’t like to be kept waiting and Mrs. Wantz was no exception; even though she didn’t say it. I didn’t care. I had had enough of her insults and that juice was the best I had had in a long time. After placing the glass on the table, I asked.

“Are you a senator Mrs. Wantz?”

“Yes, Senator Denise Wantz of the Sol Workers’ Party.”

“So you’re a minor senator in Sol’s smallest party.” She opened her mouth to protest but I raised my hand to silence her. Obviously she spent too much time learning how to defer to strong men. Kay would have never let me silence her like that. “How did you meet your husband?”

“We met at a party his company threw for our organization. At the time he and his business partner, Mr. Miller, were trying to form alliances with the local factions in order to increase business.”

“Business? What does your husband do? He’s not a senator like you?” Kay squeezed my hand again; gently this time. She saw where I was going with this. Mrs. Wantz was so proud of her husband’s accomplishments she missed it. Instead she seized the opportunity to brag.

“No my husband, Anthony Wantz, is the owner of Wantz Shipping. The only contractor authorized to transport goods for the Sol Workers’ Party. I did not know it at the time, but the party he threw was to celebrate the consummation of that contract.” A chime on my wrist mounted data tab interrupted the senator and alerted me to an incoming call. After glancing at my tab, I spoke to her again.

“You were able to choose your life and future, why would you deny your daughters the same opportunity?” Again she moved to respond, but I preempted her. “It was a rhetorical question. Think about it. Don’t speak on it. Excuse me I have to take this call.” I rose and exited into the foyer and then accepted the call. It was Aticus, one of our wing members.

“Malcolm, I’m glad I caught you.”

“Hey Aticus, what’s up?”

“A group of pilots have contacted me about joining the wing. They said they’ve applied but you haven’t responded to their applications yet.” I let out a sigh. If we kept growing like this all my time would be spent meeting with new members. Nothing significant would get accomplished.

“Give me a minute buddy.” I opened the Galnet message board and accessed our roster. Four pilots were awaiting their applications’ approvals. I entered a few commands before returning to the call. “I promoted you to flight leader in the wing. Contact the new recruits and see if they will fit in with the rest of the members.”

“Yes sir, I’ll get right on that. Thank you sir.”

“Don’t mention it. I have some personal business I have to finish here. I’ll get back to you about this as soon as I’m done.”

“Copy commander. Aticus out.” I closed the com link. When I looked up, an older gentleman about two inches taller than me, was standing in the doorway with his hands on hips, staring.

“Well hello commander,” he said. “What’s your name?”

“Hi, I’m Malcolm Goodwin. Who might you be sir?”

“I’m Anthony Wantz, the owner of this house.”
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