Logbook entry

Trouble in Paradise

26 Mar 2018MMMMMalcolm
Mr. Wantz wasn’t just tall; he was broad as well and looked strong for his age. His hair was cut low until it faded away above his ears. Hints of grey twinkled at the edges. His mustache and beard was cut into a thin grey and black line that circled wide full lips. His attire was pretty casual, considering he directed such a large shipping operation. He wore a blue and white checkered button down shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to the elbows exposing a gold bracelet on his left wrist and the buttons were open down to his chest exposing a single gold chain. A brown leather belt held the shirt loosely tucked into white cotton pants, the cuffs of which rested on brown oxford shoes. Searching brown eyes studied me as we stood in the hall. I explained to him who I was and we returned to the sitting room.

“Kay, this gentleman says he came here with you.”

“Daddy!” Kay squealed as she rushed to greet her father. He returned her hug with a loving kiss on her cheek. Mrs. Wantz also rose to greet her husband. I saw genuine joy and affection in her eyes when he kissed her quickly on her lips. Like a system star, his presence drew everyone to circle around him. Kristina returned and greeted her father. A moment later, Carla floated in wearing a full length, sleeveless gown. The white lace upper bodice and the rose taupe lower skirt were separated by a charcoal satin band. Her baby bump was now hidden. She looked every bit the elegant senator’s wife Mrs. Wantz was grooming her to be.

Mr. Wantz sat in the big chair to the right of the couch. Mrs. Wantz sat on the end of the couch nearest him. Carla and Kristina sat next to their mother respectively. That left the two chairs opposite Mr. Wantz for Kay and me.

“Shall I get you anything sir?” Henry asked.

“Yes Henry, a glass of wine please. It’s been a long day.”

“Trouble at work dear?”

“Yes unfortunately. A convoy out of Haberlandt Survey was lost on its way to Carey Station.”

“You have had losses before,” Mrs. Wantz stated. “It’s part of the business covered by a well-crafted insurance policy. Why does this one bother you?”

“Maybe because it’s the third convoy lost this month.” Kristina reported. “I barely completed and sent off the claims for the last loss. Daddy, do you need me to go down to the office and start a new claim?”

“No pumpkin. I took care of it before I came home.” Henry returned with his drink. “Thank you Henry. Though, I may need my office assistant to find me some competent protection. If these losses continue they will extend beyond the realm of normal operating expenses.”

“Well then, that’s easy. Kay’s new beau runs a protection agency. Ask him to guard your convoys.” Kristina spilled her intel all the while batting eyes at me that suggested she had a few more personal possessions she’d like me to guard. Kay glared at her baby sister.

“We are business partners Tina; he doesn’t have time to be my beau.” Mr. Wantz patiently waited for his daughters to finish. If he chose a side, he did not reveal it.

“Is that true Commander…?” He asked.

“Goodwin, sir, but Malcolm will work just as well. What exactly are you asking me? I wasn’t paying attention.” I was paying attention; enough to know a trap when I heard it.

“Well Malcolm, do you run your own protection agency? Can you help protect my convoys?” I relaxed a bit before answering.

“Absolutely sir. Let me ask you a couple questions though. Are these attacks against the same shipment or do they occur at random?”

“The same shipment. The last two deliveries were sent to replace the first. None have made it to their destinations.”

“What is the cargo?” Kay asked.

“It’s classified sweetie. I’m afraid I can’t tell you.”

“I hold a Vice Admiral ranking with the Federal Navy sir.” Mrs. Wantz perked up at that revelation. “I’m confident I hold the required clearance.” Mr. Wantz hesitated, no doubt weighing the ramifications of his decision, and then answered.

“The Sol Workers Party contracted a weapons specialist to build Enzyme Missile racks and resistant Meta Alloy Hulls for them. They intended to use the weapons to help them increase their political standing in the system.” Mrs. Wantz’s eyes went wide with shock. Either she did not expect her husband to reveal such sensitive information to a complete stranger or she was realizing how insignificant her political position was; even in her own party. I assumed it was the later.

“Why didn’t you use the Federal Navy to protect the shipment of such dangerous weapons?” I asked.

“We weren’t shipping weapons. We were shipping the materials the specialist needed to construct the weapons. I even added a few miscellaneous items to the manifest. After the weapons were completed, pilots loyal to the party were to fly down to Carey Station a few at a time for scheduled ship maintenance. No one beside myself and the Sol Worker’s Party director was to know what those materials were for.” Mr. Wantz gulped down the rest of his wine. Henry grabbed his glass and left to refill it.

“Daddy please tell me you have a record of your conversation with the Party director?” Kay asked. “Without proof, he could pin this whole fiasco on you. Your reputation, your company, our family, everything would be ruined.” Mr. Wantz sighed, rubbed his head, and slumped back in his chair.

“Please baby girl, don’t remind me. Unfortunately, I don’t have any physical evidence covering me on this one. The director met me alone in my office, like he has many times before. He asked me point blank if I wanted the contract and told me I had to decide before he left. Once I agreed, he told me when the materials would arrive and where they were to be shipped. My payment would be a proprietary shipping contract with the new controlling faction in the system.” He looked at his wife; an unspoken apology evident in his gaze. She reached out and held his hand; reassuring him of her support as he continued. “The insurance has replaced the Type-9s used to carry the materials. I replaced the lost materials out of my own pocket. I haven’t spoken to the director since our agreement, but if I don’t deliver soon, I fear he may suspect something if he doesn’t already.” Henry returned with a fresh glass of wine for Mr. and Mrs. Wantz. “Thank you Henry,” they stated in unison. He also returned with the bottle this time, just in case it remained necessary.

“Don’t worry sir,” I said. “Your daughter and I can easily fix this.” She looked at me, incredulous.

“We can?”

“Sure, and this is how we’ll do it.”
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