Logbook entry

Tug of War

17 Apr 2018MMMMMalcolm
I arrived at San Tu and docked at Chomsky Terminal. On the outside everything appeared fine. Dock hands refueled and prepped 'Breathless', dock knockers solicited my attention, and merchants hocked their wares; or at least the location of their wares. Just another typical day in a star port in the bubble. But I knew better. Something strange was happening here. It got the attention of a high ranking military official, it swept up my friend James, and it has called out to me. A Federal Navy Admiral, a Mercenary, and a Bounty Hunter; that's pretty strange or the beginning of a bad joke. Joke or not, I was here now and I had a job to do.

I didn't even change out of my flight suit. I marched over to the nearest kiosk and scanned the available missions. I could have had S.H.E.A. do this from the ship, but I'm a street rat at heart. I needed to get out and sniff the air, feel my surroundings. I should not have been surprised that an anarchy system, controlled by The Dragons of San Tu pirate faction, brazenly advertised smuggling and assassinations right next to data and cargo deliveries. I ignored the irony. I choked it down like vomit I didn't want to come up. I was ordered to do a planetary scan mission; that's what I was looking for. One problem, there weren't any missions of that type.

Ok, no problem; it was obvious I needed to gain the trust of the local factions. I selected a mission asking for the destruction of four skimmers. It wasn't a scan mission, but it involved a planetary landing. At least I could prove capable of keeping my hull and the planet surface separate from each other. An hour and four skimmers later I was back scanning the missions board. A tone sounded on the data slate embedded in my flight suit.

We've been watching you since you've arrived. We feel we can use a pilot like you. Go to Gernhardt Enterprise and await further instruction.

Confederacy of LHS 295

Now we're getting somewhere. Where; I still was unsure. I walked back to 'Breathless'.

"Welcome back commander."

"Thank you S.H.E.A. How far is Gernhardt Enterprise from our current location?"

"396 light seconds."

"Plot a course there and prepare for departure."

"Cannot comply commander. Gernhardt has a size limit of medium. This Anaconda is too large for the station. I recommend using your Chieftain stored at Dunyach Enterprise."

"Chieftain! What Chieftain?"

"You have been away for a month; and now that you have returned, you have not read all the messages you've received while you were gone. I will display the one dated 25 Mar 3304."

Commander Goodwin,

I am contacting you because I am unable to reach Commander Wantz. After you left my shop, she contacted me and asked me to install the Guardian Weapons you requested into a Chieftain she ordered from our local shipyard. It took an extra day but I did as she asked.

I have since moved the ship to a nearby hangar. It was cluttering up my workshop and you know how I disdain clutter. It's not good for business. Please contact me as soon as possible or have Ms. Wantz contact me so we may settle this matter.

Odell Hickman
Technology Broker

Oh yeah! We ordered Guardian technology from Mr Hickman in Ross 490 before we arrived in Sol. I can't believe I forgot that. A Chieftain equipped with that technology would work just fine. The thought was followed by a pang in my chest; not because of my slow healing injury either. I shook my head. Kay has always been good to me, but I needed to focus. I'll see her when this job is done. Then, we'll grab the guys and finish that job.

"S.H.E.A. how log would it take to have the Chieftain delivered here?"

"Approximately two hours."

"Good; make it happen," I said trying not to inhale too deeply while I spoke. "I'm going to take a shower." Something else I couldn't believe I forgot.


The moment the docking clamps were engaged I received a message to contact Legislator Valentin Savage.

He wanted me to scan a data link in the LP 732-94 system. Cool, maybe now I'll find out what this is all about.

"S.H.E.A., plot a course to LP 732-94."

"Course plotted commander, we are cleared for departure." I was about to leave the station when S.H.E.A. spoke up again. "Incoming priority message commander."

"Read it to me."

Admiral Gareth G. Goldsmith, Federal Navy


Vice Admiral Goodwin,

Acknowledged your message about the skimmers. You don't have high enough clearance to get the full picture, but trust me - if we are correct in our assessment of the situation, we might be forced to do worse things than that.

Focus your efforts on two organisations: Confederacy of LHS 295 and San Tu State Network. Previous orders remain valid, perform one or more planetary scans for them. Once you acquire the data, send it directly to me, encoded and unopened. Do not copy the contents. Doing so will be considered an act of treason.

As for the Commander we were searching for, James Barrett, he has been arrested 30 minutes ago on Gernhardt Enterprise by our agents. While he is being questioned, you focus at the more important task.

I am sorry I cannot disclose more information and I know you feel as if you were kept in the dark. However, situation requires an utmost secrecy and caution.

Godspeed, Vice-Admiral Goodwin.  

Admiral Gareth G. Goldsmith
Head of Operations Department for Auxiliary Forces
Federal Navy

What! Arrested! James is not only a trusted friend, he's a Petty Officer in the Auxiliary Force. Why would the Admiral have him arrested?

"S.H.E.A. open a ..."

"Incoming priority message." She cut me off.

"Read it to me." I had reached the target planet in LP 732-94 and was searching for the outpost.

Stephen Hudson, Senior Policy Adviser to the Deputy Secretary of Internal Affairs, Federal Administration, Sol System


Vice Admiral Malcolm Goodwin,

I imagine that you have been contacted by the Federal Navy brass regarding the situation in the San Tu System.

It is crucial that you send all your findings to me instead of official channels. We are officially investigating a case of gross abuse of power within the navy. There are suspicions going to the very top, against the high - ranking admirals. That is why the President's administration, under the guidance of John Furbisher, Deputy Secretary of Internal Affairs, has launched an internal investigation.

Let me repeat once again - it is crucial that you contact us directly, bypassing your usual channels.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Stephen Hudson
Senior Adviser to Deputy Secretary of Internal Affairs
Federal Administration, Sol System

What in the world is going on here? How did I get caught between two very big dogs fighting over a very small bone?

"S.H.E.A. close all communications channels and scramble our identification. We're going dark."

"As you wish commander."

It seems everyone wanted the data stored at this outpost. I was more determined than ever to get it; and I was determined to get it unnoticed. I landed the ship about four kilometers away from the outpost and deployed the SRV. I was grateful the terrain was not that rough. It would be easier on the SRV and my healing body. I was able to push the vehicle at full throttle the whole way. At one thousand meters I killed the SRV's driving lights. No need attracting unwanted attention. At five hundred meters I realized the place was deserted. The lights and the rotating defense turrets were designed to make it look like the outpost was occupied. But when I crossed what should have been a no trespassing perimeter and received no warning, I knew it was all a show.

I scanned the data link and high-tailed it back to the ship. Once I was back in orbit I restored the ship to normal operations. That was a mistake.

"Incoming priority message."

"What now," I sighed aloud. "Read it to me."

Admiral Gareth G. Goldsmith, Federal Navy


Vice Admiral Goodwin,

Have you had any luck with performing the scan jobs for one of the Federal factions?

I am eagerly waiting for results of your investigation. We think we are on a solid trace of corruption in the highest echelons of the political establishment and pray that you are able to provide us with some concrete results.

We have seen that someone high in the Administration is trying to interfere with our actions. If you retrieve it, protect that data at all costs.

Godspeed, Vice-Admiral Goodwin.  

Admiral Gareth G. Goldsmith
Head of Operations Department for Auxiliary Forces
Federal Navy

Ok, this was getting ridiculous. It was time I found out what was in those data scans.

"S.H.E.A. return us to Chomsky Terminal. There are some tools aboard 'Breathless' I need to get." That night, after cracking the encryption on the data scans, I finally understood what all the fuss was about.

"S.H.A.E. send an encrypted priority message to Matt Horner. Tell him James is in trouble and needs his help."

I don't know if I explained what S.H.E.A. stood for in an earlier log. It is obvious she is my ship's AI unit. Her name stands for Ship Health & Efficiency Advisor

Its fun working with James on this. I'm anxious to see what he does next.
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︎10 Shiny!
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