Logbook entry

Wild Card

18 Apr 2018MMMMMalcolm
Stephen Hudson, Senior Policy Advisor to Deputy Secretary of Internal Affairs, Federal Administration, Sol System


Vice Admiral Malcolm Goodwin,

Under no circumstances pass the data to Admiral Goldsmith. Tell him that you have been contacted by Sol Administration and were requested to pass it to us and to delete the copies afterwards - which you should do by the way.

Now I can’t say I approve of your little blackmailing game, but I understand your concern about your friend. Mind you, we have all reasons to believe that Barrett indeed is a traitor. So far I managed to delay the unavoidable trial and likely death sentence by ordering that he is transferred to a prison ship “The Master of Courage” in Puppis Sector CQ-Y b1. That was the best we could do, alas the system is under jurisdicition of Ms Winters and she is not exactly willing to cooperate, even in matters of utmost importance for Federal security.

Still, you might be able to see or contact your.. friend before the trial commences. Now, as I’ve done my part I ask you to remove the data from your hard drive and send me a confirmation that it has been done.


Stephen Hudson
Senior Advisor to Deputy Secretary of Internal Affairs
Federal Administration, Sol System

Crap! That didn't work how I thought it would. James, what did you do buddy? Why does everyone think you're at best a criminal, at worst a traitor? Good news was I bought a little time on James' life. Bad news was my time was running out. Things were getting out of hand fast and I needed an out.

"S.H.E.A. have the Chieftain shipped to Cartwright Orbital in Awawar."

"As you wish commander."

The ship was light and fast but I haven't tested it in combat yet. With all its upgrades and modifications these past few months, 'Breathless' was the closest thing I had to a flying fortress. Plus I was familiar with her, so I was more comfortable flying her; even without a crew.

"S.H.E.A. have you heard anything from Matt yet?"

"Negative commander."

"Put a priority alert on any incoming communication from him."

"As you wish commander."

I pray James' faith in his friend is not misplaced. Unfortunately I can't be in two places at once. Any insight that James may have, Matt will have to get it. Mr Hudson unwittingly gave me an idea though. First I needed to make my opponent believe my hand was weaker than it already was. I rushed to my quarters and grabbed the black market laptop out of my safe. I paused a moment and glanced at the journals I also stored in there. I shook my head. It wouldn't be a good idea to give a rouge cell more reasons to operate. I locked the safe and moved to a nearby terminal on the wall.

"S.H.E.A. from this moment on I don't want you to record any events concerning the data I pulled from LP 732-94."

"Event history disabled commander."

I plugged the laptop into the terminal and downloaded copies of the un-encrypted data. I guess I should have been thankful for the hacking skills I learned as a mule for 'The Club'. Truth was, if I had any idea where to begin, I would spend every waking hour trying to take them down. Focus Malcolm. It seemed everyone but me wanted this data. So, I figured I'd let them have it.

Vice Admiral Malcolm Goodwin

TO: Admiral Gareth G. Goldsmith
Head of Operations Department for Auxiliary Forces
Federal Navy



Mission complete. I have attached the files you requested.


Vice Admiral Malcolm Goodwin


I disconnected the laptop, removing all connections from Galnet, and put it and its data back in my safe.

"S.H.E.A. erase all traces of the LP 732-94 data from your system logs."

"Data erased."

"Erase all event histories concerning the LP 732-94 data from your system logs."

"Events erased."

"Reestablish event histories in the system logs. Start from my last command to set a priority alert on incoming messages from Matt Horner."

"Event history enabled commander."

"Send evidence of our now clean hard drive to Stephen Hudson."

"Message sent commander."

That should get me from between two rabid dogs; at least for a moment. It should also lure my opponent all in on this mess. Next I needed to ensure my card was wild enough to trump any my opponents may be holding.

"S.H.E.A. plot a course to LHS 397."


"You want me to do what?!"

"Use your connections to get me an audience with Felicia Winters; or someone trust worthy who can relay a message to her. It's extremely important or I wouldn't be asking."

"And how do you suggest I make this magic happen?"

I wanted to say, 'I DON'T KNOW! I'm a bounty hunter, not a senator; YOU figure it out!" But that would have gotten me no where. Couldn't let my impatience ruin things for everyone.

"Tell her your faction knows a pilot who has evidence vital to the security of the Federation."

Mrs. Wantz's digital image flickered above my console. I knew she was mulling over what I just said but the grainy image prevented me from knowing if she was willing to get involved. I figured I better sweeten the deal. I hated manipulating Kay's mother, right when I was getting to know her, but I was in a desperate spot.

"Look Denise, I care about Kay, so I know she would not want anything to happen to her family. I need your help, but if I tell you anything more, I would put Kay and everyone she cares about in serious danger; if I haven't already. Just know if you can get me an audience with Ms Winters, you would be helping me, your faction, and the Federation as well." If that didn't spur her to help, nothing would.

After another long pause she said, "I won't make you any promises, but I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you Mrs. Wantz. That's all I'm asking. I'm in LHS 397. The closest Winters controlled system is LHS 235. Have your contact meet me there."
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