Logbook entry

A Tangled Web We Weave

03 May 2018MMMMMalcolm
I left the Beluga a little confused. What just happened? Not with the meeting; I know I just brokered a lot of firepower to rescue one man. But what happened IN the meeting? Did Healey bat her big brown eyes at me? Was she suggesting something in her touch? Or was that an over active imagination?

I let my excitement erase the thought. This whole ordeal was nearly over and I could get back to Sol and back to Kay. I wondered how she was doing, how her body was recovering, how she felt. Then I wondered how she was really doing and I felt a little guilty not being there for her. As soon as I passed these; what did Blaide call them again? Federal master carrier signal ID codes. As soon as I have obtained these I will call and check on Kay. Blaide said the codes would give executive credentials that would allowed full access to a Federal communications hub. Hmm, that sounds useful. Unlimited access to a communications hub, through which millions of messages and calls are routed daily, sounds useful indeed. I wonder…

I ran back to ‘Breathless’. Once in my quarters I dug my copy of the San Tu data out of my safe.

“Well will you look at that,” I said to no one in particular. It took me a few minutes searching, but sure enough the Dragons of San Tu had access to Federal master carrier signal ID codes.

“S.H.E.A. connect me with Commander Damien Blaide.”

“Cannot comply, Damien Blaide is not listed in the Pilots Federation database.”

“Well connect me with Commaner DevilOnTheWall.”

“Cannot comply, DevilOnTheWall is not listed in the Pilots Fed database.”  

“Well who can you connect me to?” I rhetorically ask in irritation.

“There are twelve billion, two hundred forty two million…”

“Ignore that question,” I snap. Crap, how do I contact him and let him know I have the IDs he requested? More important than that is how do I become a ghost like that? Even though I was restored full Alliance citizenship, I doubt they fully trust me. Being able to drop from the Galnet grid like that and still operate freely in the bubble would be a grand skill to have. I still didn't like him but I admired his… talents. I made a mental note to try and find out how he cloaked himself like that.
As if reading my mind, S.H.E.A. declared a startling fact. “Incoming priority message.”

“From who?” I asked.

“Commander Damien Blaide.”

I hesitated a moment then said, “Patch him through.”

The holo-screen flashed the two logos again – TCF followed by the red and black DCC – after which commander Blaide’s grainy image appeared. This time – perhaps thankfully – his face was hidden by the opaque visor of a black flight helmet. Though the image was not sharp, it was clear he was sitting on a pilot’s seat of a ship.

“Commander Goodwin.” Blaide greeted me with a slight nod before continuing. “Things are moving rapidly. We placed a little worm in the comms network of the Federal aligned Etain Jet Power Group. They own the station holding James. The worm was a success. Just before I contacted you an order was given to relocate Mr. Barrett. Estimated time of departure of the transport from Shepherd’s Vision – with Mr. Barrett on board – is approximately 3 hours. Can you get to a federal comms hub before that and, more importantly, do you have the protocols?”

Get to a comms hub? I thought I was supposed to give YOU these codes and I would be done. I could go back to my life, back to my girl, back to my new family. I let out a long sigh. I will be so glad when all this is over.

"Yes, getting to a data terminal will not be a problem. There's one not too far from here in LHS 1875. I have the communication protocols as well. It was ironic; the data I pulled for the Admiral contained them."

Though it was impossible to tell from behind the mask, it appeared as if Blaide was smiling – maybe the pitch of his voice changed slightly or maybe it was just my imagination. Nevertheless, he sounded very pleased.

“Excellent work Mr. Goodwin. I was sure you wouldn’t disa… excuse me a moment…” Blaide raised his right hand and turned his head to the side as if listening to someone. Somebody was speaking off-camera, a woman perhaps, it’s impossible to be sure as the voice was muffled, but Blaide was nodding slightly as he listened. Finally, he spoke. “Yes, Park. The retrofits are not complete yet and some of the power readings may look askew. The Horse has always been temperamental; those readings are within parameters, just keep an eye on them.” Pausing for a moment he adds, “And just to be safe, keep the fire extinguisher within reach.”

He turned back to face the camera “…my apologies Mr. Goodwin, as I was saying, you have done an excellent job. Now. I am uploading a dossier for you. It contains the relevant information regarding the prison. When you have reached the comms hub, ping me at the frequency contained in the dossier. No need to contact me, a simple ping will suffice to signal you are in position. Then connect to the hub, apply the protocols and program your comms unit to receive on the frequency included within the dossier. Once a call comes in, it’s show time. We will deceive the ship by making them believe they are receiving new orders from Shepherd’s Vision after they have departed. You will play the part of the Power Group operator relaying the instructions. Divert the ship to the orbit of planet Etain 4 C and instruct them to transmit a short-range signal on frequency alpha-seven-five-gamma. We will be seeking for this beacon. We will leave the details to you, but it is important they be in Etain 4 C transmitting on the said frequency. Do you have any questions?”

"Just one; how do you mask your credentials from Pilot's Fed? I could use a neat trick like that."

This time Blaide was definitely smiling – or perhaps even laughing. “Tricks of the trade, dear Mr. Goodwin, tricks of the trade,” he says and then continues. “Let’s call that a little challenge, shall we? You are capable, I am sure you will figure it out. I will merely say that there is no better place to hide than in plain sight.” After a slight pause he adds, “You have impressed me, Commander Goodwin. It has been a while since that has happened. You would make an excellent operative, so if life ever throws you around and you don’t know where to go, consider yourself to have an open invitation to join the Ghostwalkers.” He nods and reaches towards the camera. “Good luck and watch your six, commander. Blaide out.” The holo-screen goes dark.

Well at least I was no longer being held in limbo, waiting on the actions of others.

“S.H.E.A. plot a course to LHS 1875, fastest route.”

“As you wish commander.”


I set ‘Breathless’ down on LHS 1875 B 1 C on a hill about one kilometer away from my destination. Even though I was a federal ally, I had no idea what to expect. I though it wise to proceed with caution. I deployed the SRV and approached the tiny outpost.

It was tiny indeed. One building appeared to be a housing unit for the poor soul assigned to this hole in the wall. Another building appeared to be operations where he performed his thankless tasks. The other structures, besides the defense turrets, were a mystery. Were they missile silos or storage units? Whatever they were, I was not there to find out. I drove up to the operations building next to the data/communications hub.

A soldier exited the building as I was exiting the SRV. I glanced at the time. JB’s transfer would occur in ten minutes. I checked the blaster on my hip, hoping I wouldn’t have to use it.

“Are you my replacement?” the soldier asked. He was about my age, maybe a little older. His blonde hair was a little long, a little rough around the edges, a little out of Federal regulations. It flowed along the side of his face into a matching blonde goatee. Strands of hair and bright blue eyes peeked out from behind the clear visor of his Remlok as he awaited my response. I straightened and took full advantage of the two inches of height I had over him.

“Are you my replacement, Sir?!” I barked. “And ‘No’ would be my response. I am Vice Admiral Chiwetel Ejiofor.” I left off ‘of the Federal Navy Auxiliary Forces’. No legitimate soldier with high rank would be stationed here. The soldier snapped to attention. I smiled inside. “I’m here for a surprise inspection.”

“Sorry sir. Uh Admiral. I assure you everything exceeds Federal standards.” I leaned in close to the soldier’s visor.

“Are you sure about that soldier? From where I’m standing, it appears someone needs a shave and a haircut.” The soldier didn’t respond. I was glad my own grooming infractions were hidden behind my tinted visor. “I’m willing to bet my rank your living space wouldn’t pass muster either.” I slowly walked behind the soldier who stood with his arms pinned to his side. I glanced again at the time. I had three minutes left. “Today’s your lucky day. I’m gonna give you fifteen minutes to get your act together. After that I will meet you in your quarters to begin a full inspection. I expect you to be in full formal attire. If I find one violation you won’t leave this rock for another six months. Do I make myself clear?!”

“Sir yes sir!”

“Then what are you waiting for soldier? Get outta my sight!” The soldier turned and ran, jumped, floated over to his living quarters. I checked the time. James’ transport should be lifting off now. I waited a minute to ensure James’ transport was off the ground before I entered the operations building. After locating the communications controls I removed my helmet and pinged Commander Blaide. Two minutes later a call came through on the given frequency. I grabbed the mic and settled into character.

“Core Dynamics heavy Sierra Hotel Alpha, this is Power Group control. Your itinerary has been compromised. Your new orders are to divert to Etain 4 C, transmit a short-range signal on frequency alpha-seven-five-gamma, and await reinforcements.”

“Control, this is Commander Bisby. I’m flying a @#$%! Corvette escorted by six heavily armed fighters. Tell Ramirez I don’t need any $%#@ reinforcements!”

“This doesn’t come from the Executive commander. This order comes from the top. Shall I relay your message to HIM?” There was a pause and I could just hear some mumbled words growled at a covered mic.

“Copy control. Diverting to Etain 4 C to await reinforcements.” The connection closed. I exhaled and checked the time again. That only took five minutes. I looked out a nearby window at the sole housing unit of the installation. Ten minutes was more than enough time for me to return to ‘Breathless’ and leave the system. I wondered how long the soldier stood at attention, by the door of the housing unit, in his formal uniform, before he realized I wasn’t coming.


"S.H.E.A. who is the wing commander of Winters' Wolves?"

"Commander N.R.Crosby."

"Does he have a communications channel I can connect to?"


"Good patch me through."  After a moment, and some beeps and clicks I assumed were encryption protocols being established, a rough but tired voice came through my ship's speakers.

"This is Commander Crosby. How may I help you?"

"Commander, My name is Malcolm Goodwin. Alicia Healey, President Winters' Special Advisor to Deputy Shadow Secretary for Internal Affairs, said I could count on your assistance for an urgent extraction operation."

"Commander Goodwin, I have been expecting your call. You have all the assistance the Wolves can provide. Members of my wing have already scouted the area in question.  And, we have setup a secret location in case there are special needs once the operation is done."

"That's good to hear. Expect the package to arrive in approximately two hours. I appreciate your help commander.   Malcolm out."
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