Logbook entry

Unfinished Business (Part 1)

29 May 2018MMMMMalcolm
It should not be a surprise that I didn’t sleep too well that night. The high thread count sheets and the gel-bed kept my body comfortable enough, but my mind wouldn’t let me rest. It replayed Kay’s words and the expression on her face each time I closed my eyes. I’m not sure when I walked into the next room to do push-ups and sit-ups to force my body into exhaustion. Whenever it was, it still didn’t work. I fell asleep on her couch, but dreams of Kay angrily accusing me of killing our child and stating she never wanted to see me again would not allow me to stay that way. At 6 a.m. I just walked into the kitchen and started cooking breakfast.

“Someone couldn’t sleep,” Kay stated as she entered her kitchen. She was wearing the same pair of sweats and cut-off t-shirt I found her in the day before.

“Yeah I had a pretty rough night. How did you sleep?”

“You mean when you weren’t kneeing me in my back or slapping me in my head? Great; especially when you got up and left my room.” I looked down at the bacon smoking in the pan in front of me.

“I’m sorry; for all of it. I should have been there when you woke up. You have been there for me. There’s no excuse for me not being there for you. I’m sorry I didn’t keep in touch too. I…”

Kay came over and kissed me. I melted into her arms, savored her soft curves, and relished her full lips; the best three seconds I had had in a long time.

“I forgive you. But my father may not if you burn down his house.” I quickly turned and removed the bacon burning in the pan, filling the room with smoke.  Kay smiled at me and said, “I think I’ll just have some coffee.”

After I replaced the burnt bacon, the air scrubbers removed the smoke, and I convinced Kay to eat some breakfast, we showered, dressed, and made our way to the main house. We both wore jeans and black t-shirts with black boots as we walked hand in hand down the hall.

I was shocked to see other members of Kay’s family already awake. Mrs. Wantz and Kristina were sitting at a table, talking with a man whose back was to us as we entered the room. Henry stood by ready to fulfill the matriarch’s slightest request. Kristina wore an over-sized green sweater like it was a dress and a pair of white athletic shoes. In contrast, Mrs. Wantz wore a classy yet form-fitting green pencil dress. The round collar that circled her neck and half sleeves that covered her elbows maintained her modesty, while the oval peek-a-boo cutout above her bosom and knee-high length challenged everyone else's. I doubted the woman even owned a pair of sweats or pajamas for that matter. If you told me she floated out of bed, the very image of perfection every morning, I would believe you. She stopped mid-sentence to address us.

"Where are you two going?" Kay started to answer but I jumped in before her.

"I need to find a more suitable dock for the Anaconda. I don't think system security will let me hover it a mile above your house another day."

"If that's where you're going you will be happy to learn my husband has already calmed the fears of the local authorities. Once he explained you were... family come to visit and not some invading force, he was able to... persuade them to ignore the huge ship hovering above our house." Well there went my idea. "I'll have Henry order the cooks to make us some breakfast," she continued. "Have you eaten Inspector Broussard?"

"No ma'am," he replied.

"Once we're done here, we can all have breakfast. Henry have the..."

"Malcolm and I have already eaten mother," Kay cut in. "We have some unfinished business to take care of and wanted to get an early start." Mrs. Wantz looked at me sideways and started to speak when I cut her off again.

"Did you say Inspector Broussard, ...from Carey Station, ...in LHS 3549?" The man turned his head to face us but he did not rise from his seat or greet us in any way. He wore black shoes and slacks with a white button down shirt.  His sleeves were rolled up past his elbows and a black tie hung loose around his collar. His piercing brown eyes regarded me with contempt.

"Yes, have you two met?" Mrs. Wantz asked.

"Briefly, after my ordeal in the hospital," I answered. "We were just about to come see you. What brings you to the Wantz estate?" With the absence of Mr. Wantz, I inserted myself in the role of the alpha-male. I sat at the head of the table. Kay sat to my right with the inspector to her right. Mrs. Wantz sat on my left with Kristina next to her.

"I came to ask Miss Kristina some questions." Kristina sat silent with her hands in her lap. She stared at the table, unwilling to look her big sister in the eye.

"I thought we established Kristina was an innocent victim in the Guangul Brothers' schemes," I stated. "Why are you harassing her with more questions inspector?" A wry smile lifted the corners of Broussard's mouth.

"I'm not harassing anyone commander. I'm just doing my job. The leaders of my faction, 44 CHI Draconis Combine, have declared war on the Guangul Brothers while you were away. We have beaten them down to the brink of extinction. Their influence in the system is less than one percent. Unfortunately, the two remaining leaders of the group, who are actually brothers, continue to elude us. I have been tasked with determining their whereabouts and reporting back to my leaders. I was hoping Miss Kristina could assist me, considering their history and all." Kay glared at the inspector before turning to her youngest sister.

"Tina, I don't care what anyone thinks, what you think; I don't blame you for what happened."

"But they killed your baby," she blurted out as tears ran down her cheek. "They almost killed you. How could you not blame me?"

"Because you're my baby sister. The first day mom introduced you to us, she made us promise to protect you; me especially being the oldest." Mrs. Wantz nodded as she remembered the moment. "Nothing is ever going to make me break that promise." Kay reached a hand toward Kristina. Her sister grabbed it and relaxed with relief. Mrs. Wantz placed a hand on top of theirs, as if blessing the renewed unity of her family. It would have been perfect if Inspector Broussard wasn't present.

"Forgive me Senator, but my superiors won't accept sentimental promises. Miss if you know anything at all, now is the time to share it. If I have to come back with system authorities and arrest you for obstruction, your father won't be able to persuade me otherwise and your sister won't be able to protect you."

"Now wait one minute Inspector," Mrs. Wantz stated. "How dare you come into my home and threaten my family."

"It's not a threat ma'am. I'm just stating the facts so your daughter can make an informed decision."

"Well let me help you make an informed decision inspector," I chimed in. "If you keep carelessly slinging around facts, you may not leave here at all." We both stared each other down, daring the other to blink.

"Once again boy, you're sticking your nose in affairs you know little about. I'm willing to forgive your stunt that started this war in the first place; costing countless innocent lives. But if these pirate lords escape and are allowed to open up shop in another system, I will make it my personal duty to ruin you and everyone associated with you."

I rose from my seat. The inspector mirrored my actions. We were like two lions, from an old Earth nature holo-vid, squaring off before a fight over mating rights. Mrs. Wantz sat shocked. Henry watched with wide-eyed anticipation. Kay grabbed my wrist. I was about to ignore her and wriggle free, when Kristina spoke up.

"Stop it, please, both of you!" The room went silent. The inspector and I kept our eyes fixed on each other as we slowly sat back down. We didn't look away until Kristina dried her tears and continued. "The few times I went with Asher to party with his brothers, we went to 3A. I told you this already."

"Yes, and as I explained when I arrived, we overran that base and took it as our own. Yet, they continue to repair, refuel, and launch ships from somewhere. They must control another location as well; one they never partied at."

"Well if they never took her anywhere else, how..." I started. Kristina raised a hand to silence me.

"I may have overheard something about 2A," she stated. "But it was quick and I didn't get any details. I didn't think it was wise to ask for any either. You might want to look around there. That's all I know inspector." We all turned in unison to face Broussard.

"I trust your superiors will accept THAT inspector," Mrs. Wantz said. "Now if you would be so kind as to leave my home; Henry will escort you out."

Inspector Broussard rose to leave. "Senator, ladies, commander. Until next time." When he left Mrs. Wantz was the first to speak.

"Is he always so brash dear?"

"I'm afraid so mother."

"My, you're like an overprotective guard dog. I don't know whether to hug you and and let you lick my face or spray you with a bottle of water."  I sat in innocent shock as the three women had a good laugh at my expense. "Well at least now I know." Then seriously she added, "Promise you will bring my daughter back to me safe, or you won't come back at all."

"I promise."
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