Logbook entry

Unfinished Business After Action Report

05 Jun 2018MMMMMalcolm
Alpha, Kay, and I found a local restaurant in the habitation decks of Carey Station. Alpha was pleased it had a bar as well and he herded us to some stools while we waited for our table.

"What will it be?" the bartender asked.

"Three Eranin Pearls," Alpha ordered.

Kay soured her face, rubbed her stomach, and objected. "Ooh, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet. I'll have a Shintara Water instead. If the rumors are true... " She glanced at me and stopped mid sentence.

"Yeah Alpha you know I don't drink. I'll have a cranberry grape juice."

Alpha and the bartender looked at me like I had a barnacle growing out of my head. The bartender recovered and then left to fill our orders.

"I'm not sure I can follow a wing commander who doesn't drink," Alpha said. "What's with the kiddie drink fetish?"

"Simply that my friend. It's a drink I have loved since I was a child. Cranberries have a cleansing property to them, so I haven't found a reason to drink anything else; except maybe water from time to time." I glanced at Kay. She looked off at the other patrons in the bar. "Besides, I've got nothing to prove to anyone. If you want to leave the wing, be my guest."

Alpha raised his hands in defense. "Whoa! I was just bustin' your balls. No need to eject me out the airlock."

"Well, if you left I wouldn't have to buy the cigars I owe you."

"No, you still would have to buy the cigars. I would just take 'em with me." We both smiled as the bartender returned with our drinks.

"We don't have any Shintara Water ma'am. I brought you some distilled water from Saturn's ice rings instead." A wave of disappointment flashed across Kay's face.

"That's fine; thank you," she replied.

I took a sip of my drink. The ice cold, bitter sweet juice was delicious. Kay just stared at her glass. Alpha downed his whiskey in one gulp. Before our server could get away, he ordered another one. A waitress informed us our table was ready just as the bartender returned with the new shot. Alpha downed that one too.

"Have a bottle sent to our table," I said and we all followed the waitress away from the bar.

The restaurant was on the edge of the Coriolis starport. Not too far from our table was a large view port with a gorgeous view of the stars. I could see the ships coming and going from the station.  More ships were going than coming.

After we ate we took a hover-car back to 'Breathless'.


"Commander Goodwin, thanks for getting back to me. I hope you didn't rush through dinner; how was it?"

"It was good Overseer Brewer. The restaurant owners must have spent a fortune on their synthesizers."

"They did. You can't imagine the trouble I went through to find them." I was mildly intrigued, but more for his process to find rare items than the actual story behind the synthesizers themselves. Kay must have read my mind.

"You said you had some important information for us," she said. "What is it investor?"

"Of course Ms. Wantz; forgive my digression. The war is over commanders, 44 Chi Draconis is victorious, and the pirate faction is in disarray. Don't get me wrong gentlemen... and lady, war is hell. We lost a lot of good pilots and citizens. But we would have lost a lot more if it weren't for your wing's help.

Not everyone in our faction agrees though. I wanted to warn you about Inspector Broussard. He seems to have it out for you Malcolm. He's convinced you're the reason his investigation failed and why the hand picked assault team he sent to crush the Guangul Brother leadership never returned." I thought about the explosions we saw as we dropped out of super cruise.

"Thanks for the warning Overseer," Alpha said. "But we can take care of ourselves. We're not afraid of some chain smoking desk jockey."

"I don't doubt that at all," Kris replied. "Just be careful. The Inspector can be relentless once he sets his sights on something. If there is anything I can do to help, all you have to do is ask."

"There is one thing you can do for me. Where can I get six Kamitra Cigars?" I asked.

"Since it's only six tons, I can get that for you easily. When do you want them?"

"Not..." I started to explain, but Alpha hit me in the back of my head.

"...Later than tomorrow night," he interrupted; finishing my sentence. "We have business elsewhere. We can't delay our departure more than a day." I sat in awe of his proper diction all of a sudden.

"Consider it done. And don't worry about the cost. It's the least I could do for members of the Pilots' Federation such as yourselves."


The next day, just past noon Earth time, I received a message stating six tons of Kamitra Cigars, addressed to me, were received by the station dock manager. I instructed him to deliver them to pad ten and contacted Alpha so he would know they were on their way.

"Don't smoke all those at once my friend."

"You know, that's not a bad idea. Why didn't I think of it sooner?"

"Because, if you did, every search and rescue pilot within twenty light years would be asking if you needed help escaping your burning ship."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Kay walked up and handed me her data slate.

"Malcolm, you need to see this." The message displayed on the device had my eyes popping out of their sockets.

The Galactic Assessor's Council

Commander Malcolm Goodwin
Wing Commander of Armed Wanderers Enterprises

I am pleased to inform you your license to operate your wing out of the Awawar system has been approved. Offices have been reserved for your organization on Cartwright Orbital.

We strive to promote growth and ingenuity in inhabited space. We look forward to your corporation's contribution.


Applications Processor
The Galactic Assessor's Council

"Is this for real?!"

"What?" Alpha asked.

"It looks like it."

"What? What looks like it?" Alpha asked  frustrated.

"Armed Wanderers Enterprises just received its corporate license. We are no longer just a loose group of bounty hunters. We are a licensed security organization headquartered in Awawar."

"That's awesome. I'm going to fly there right now."

"We're right behind you buddy. This calls for a celebration. Hopefully Kris is still in his office."

"Yeah, cause I'm not sharing my cigars."

"That's cool, but don't get mad when Aticus refuses to share the Chateau De Aegaeon."

I closed the com link with Alpha. Kay walked over and retrieved her data slate. She gave me a long kiss on the lips.

"Congratulations Commander," she said.

"Thank you Commander," I replied. "Now, you want to tell me what's bothering you?"
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