Logbook entry

Battle for Awawar: Chapter 1

13 Jun 2018MMMMMalcolm
Personal Log: Commander Kay Wantz

Awawar   I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. If there ever was a system that fit Malcolm’s personality; Awawar was it. It’s not an “Old World” system like Sol or Lave. Its twelve million citizen population places it on the newer system side of the scale. But its four stations, two of which house large landing pads, and high tech economy mean it’s not a mere colony either. Awawar definitely punches above its weight class. It lacks an earth-like planet; an essential ingredient to population growth. But the handicap just adds to its charm.

So it is with Malcolm. He’s taller than most at six foot three, but his 220lbs. give him a svelte physique. Still, he often believes he is bigger than he really is. And he’s new to this dangerous galaxy. Yes, he’s older than me by a couple years, but he still has a LOT to learn about the Bubble and the people in it. His pilot and computer skills make him no mere man; among other things. But he has no clue what it means to be a wing commander; let alone a faction leader. I guess, like Awawar, his handicaps just add to his charm. Whether it’s me, his wing, or anything else, he’s motivated by the challenge.

“Delacy Heavy, Alpha Whiskey Sierra. Please submit a docking request before approaching this station.”

I closed the Galnet statistics of the system and dismissed my thoughts of the captain as we neared Cartwright Orbital.

Read the rest here:  Chapter 1
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