Logbook entry

Battle for Awawar: Chapter 3

18 Jun 2018MMMMMalcolm
The offices of AWE comprised of all the decks in the section six operations layer. Thankfully, the lower decks were as clean and elegant as the upper decks; the offices just got bigger the higher one went. Quentin told me he set up a makeshift conference room on deck twenty five. I headed there to meet him and Vice President Franco.

The chief set up a table, some chairs, and an encrypted holo-com device in a large empty room. When I entered, my eye was immediately drawn to the window that made up the far wall. Every now and then a system security Viper would scream by. The thick polycarbonate glass muted the roar but magnified the flare of the ship’s thrusters. I was torn away from the ships and the stars by my new Vice President.

“Do you know how much a war will cost us Commander?” Ellie demanded. She wore a green, long sleeved, knee-length, body contoured dress that zipped up from knee to shoulder blade in the back. “The investors will not be pleased our first order of business will be to throw millions if not billions of credits out the nearest airlock.”

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Chapter 3
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