Logbook entry

Battle for Awawar: Chapter 4

26 Jun 2018MMMMMalcolm
Personal Log: Commander Kay Wantz

Malcolm met me on the landing pad as he was want to do every time I returned from a Combat Zone. It was a reward I looked forward to the instant station control demanded our docking request. He stood tall and hopeful, his gaze locked on the access hatch of David’s Federal Corvette. When I emerge, his face would light up and a smile would curve his mouth, but he wouldn’t move. He would just stand there with his hands behind his back and wait for me to descend the ramp. I think he enjoyed the fact the ramp sped my momentum into his arms and increased the intensity of our welcome back kiss. I enjoyed seeing him there waiting for me like a big ol puppy.

This time was different though. This time as Malcolm stood in black boots, black tactical cargo pants, and a form fitting burgundy long sleeve shirt, another young man stood with him. I rushed off the ramp into my puppy’s arms, but I kept an eye on the stranger who looked away; uncomfortable with our PDA.

Read more here: Chapter 4
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