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Battle for Awawar: Chapter 5

02 Jul 2018MMMMMalcolm
I stood in my new office staring out the huge viewport at the ships as they approached and retreated from the station. The war with Awawar Liberty Party was over, but my own internal conflict raged on.

What are you doing?

Helping the people of Awawar.

By starting a war?

We didn’t start it.

Maybe not this time. And what makes YOU any better than the dictator?

I care about the people.

Yeah right, tell that to the families of the dead scattered across the system.

We didn’t start the war.

The phrase echoed in my head like a child’s rubber ball bouncing off concrete walls. The chime which indicated a guest wanted entry sounded and I pushed the the echo to the back of my thoughts.

“Enter,” I commanded. The double doors silently swung open and Aticus, Ellie, and Quentin entered the office. I mean, I guess you could call it an office. A small town would be a more accurate description. It took up the entire fiftieth deck of the operations section. Access to the deck alone required command level authorization from one of five people; four of which were present. Once you gain access to the deck, you are greeted by the receptionist’s desk; or you would be if the desk was in place and the position filled. Beyond the receptionist is a large security monitoring station. Chief Ramsey placed two trusted officers there to monitor the upper decks and protect me at all times, but the area is designed to hold many more. Beyond security is a wide corridor that runs the length of the deck. To the right are offices, living quarters, dining areas, and VIP guest quarters for security, staff, and distinguished visitors. To the left are lavishly appointed living quarters. There was more than enough room for hundreds of citizens, but it was currently occupied by less than ten.

Read more here: Chapter 5
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