Logbook entry

Battle for Awawar: Chapter 6

11 Jul 2018MMMMMalcolm
I was still considering my thoughts for Kay, when Samantha walked in. She was suited up in navy blue battle armor with a repulsor rifle hung on her back. Her breathing was labored, as if she ran up the fifty decks to my room.

“Forgive me Commander, but I’ve been ordered to fetch you and Commander Wantz A.S.A.P.”

“Fetch us, by whom?” I asked.

“Chief Ramsey sir; Uniting Qamadi has declared war on A.W.E.,” she replied.

“What? Progenitor Lara…”

“Please sir, we don’t have much time. Put these on.” She handed me one of two large duffle bags she was carrying. In it was a matching suit of battle armor and a repulsor rifle. She then moved to wake Commander Wantz and equip her as well. While Kay was getting dressed, Samantha handed me a pair of earbuds. “Chief Ramsey said he made these based on the data from San Tu you supplied him with. The left one is receive only and is tuned to Qamadi’s comms channel. The right one is send and receive and is tuned to our comms channel.” Kay buckled her last strap. Samantha handed her a pair of earbuds. “Follow me, I’ll explain the rest on the way.”

We left the room and were greeted by six other soldiers, similarly dressed, with repulsor rifles at the ready in their hands. I instinctively raised my rifle and pointed it at the head of the nearest soldier. Samantha placed her hand on my gun, pushing it down.

“Relax sir, they are with me. We’ve been ordered to escort you to the docks.” I apologised to the soldier. “Let’s move out!” She ordered. We hustled down the corridor to a lift. After we passed a couple decks, we exited the lift and hustled down another corridor. As we moved through the corridors, she updated me on the situation. “After your meeting yesterday, Chief Ramsey began looking into Uniting Qamadi. The thought that a faction from a small colony / extraction system would be purchasing military grade ships was puzzling to him. The thought that that same faction could dominate and force a dictator to sell them those ships set off all kinds of alarm bells.” She raised her hand signalling the group to stop. We stood motionless for a few minutes as we listened to the chatter in our left ear.

Read more here: Chapter 6
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