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Battle for Awawar: Chapter 7

19 Jul 2018MMMMMalcolm
Ron Lara laughed at me. I was shocked, not at the disrespect, but more at the fact Lara was laughing. I always thought the smirk on his face was an obnoxious taunt to let everyone around him know they were beneath him. I held no illusions that Lara possessed a sense of humor; until now.

“You have no idea what you’re doing Commander,” he mocked.

“To be honest, no,” I replied. “But that hasn’t kept you from being tied up in front of me.” The laughing stopped and his smirk flattened into pursed lips.

“Your back-alley con games won’t work forever. The Council of Admirals will send reinforcements that will crush you and your little wing to dust.”

By now my breathing has returned to normal. I no longer had to force my words around what felt like a Sidewinder landed on my chest. I responded to his threat in an even emotionless tone.

“That may be true, but they will not arrive in time to save you. Besides, as a natural born citizen of Alioth, I might be able to convince them not to come at all.” Lara’s eyes went wide and I relished the mixture of shock and fear I saw in them. “Order your men to surrender and I promise no harm will come to you.”

Ron hung his head. It shook a couple of times as he processed his situation, calculating to himself his options.Eventually his whole body slumped in his seat as he came to the inevitable conclusion; he had lost.

Read more here: Chapter 7
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