Logbook entry

Battle for Awawar: Chapter 8

02 Aug 2018MMMMMalcolm
Personal Log: Commander Kay Wantz

Other than the constant feud between the Liberty Party and the Crimson Dragons, fighting in the system has been pretty much nonexistent. The dictator’s loyal lackies and the pirates have been blaming each other for their meager influence amongst the populace. The truth was, they only had themselves to blame for their infamous reputations. You can’t oppress, rob, rape, and murder a people and then expect them to back you up when someone stands up to you. Plus the petty skirmishes in the corridors of Cartwright only served to keep them pariahs in the people’s eyes. For the most part, station security have kept the two factions quarantined to their respective sections.

In contrast, the rest of the station has been an booming oasis. Ms. Franco has been a busy little bee, wining and dining corporate leaders, convincing them to sign shipping contracts with AWE. With the profits, Malcolm has raised the standard of living for every citizen in the system. He repaired the air scrubbers and the station sanitation systems. He updated all the habitation units on the first thirty decks; increasing their square footage and upgrading their amenities. He renovated all the schools with more open floor plans so the students would feel less like they were in prison and then gave them all the latest computers Gal Corp. had to offer. He even opened a new Pilot’s Federation training center. All those improvements required more workers, which were easily found amongst the system’s twelve million citizens. Quentin hired security personnel. Aticus enlisted pilots and ground troops. Ellie hired dock workers, maintenance crews, and star traffic controllers. With all the extra jobs, people had more credits to spend, so the marketplace was always packed no matter what time the holo-clocks displayed.

Read more here: Chapter 8
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