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Battle for Awawar: Chapter 9

11 Aug 2018MMMMMalcolm
The other day was terrible. What was wrong with me? Could I kill Kay? I couldn’t. I wouldn’t! Yet I almost did. Why? Could it be as simple as I just snapped; or was there something else? Whatever it was, I need to uncover it and resolve it because the whole situation has put a strain on our relationship.

“Malcolm… Malcolm!”


“Pay attention, this is important. A war between the Independents and Silver Energy could jeopardize everything you’ve accomplished in the system.”

“I’m sorry Chief. I just have alot on my mind right now. Please continue. I’m listening.”

My security chief paused his briefing on the huge holo-screen and sat down at the conference table.  We have become quite close these past months and I’ve relied on my older peer for more than just security advice. I think of him like an older brother.

“Look,” he said. “You need to get over this. It was an accident, Kay forgave you, and everyone’s alright. If you want everyone to remain alright, you have to focus on the growing tension between the Independents and Silver Energy.”

Read more here: Chapter 9
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