Logbook entry

Battle for Awawar: Chapter 11

29 Sep 2018MMMMMalcolm
Personal Log: Commander Kay Wantz

It occurred to me that this assignment came with a T9 sized load of dichotomies. I had the opportunity to leave Cartwright Orbital. I can’t explain how I got the feeling of being cramped in a Coriolis, but being in a cockpit behind a flight stick felt so liberating. No weird noises, no strange smells, no… people. Of course that also meant I would be away from Malcolm and I was certain he planned it that way. He still hasn’t forgiven himself for our sparring accident; after all this time and even though I’ve told him over and over I’ve forgiven him.

Then there’s the ship I was assigned; one of three Vultures bought at McCulley Hub. It was outfitted with a pair of large torpedo pylons, high capacitor bi-weave shields, and a deep plated military grade hull. I didn’t know what the technician was talking about when he mentioned something called “drag drives”. It became quite clear the moment I boosted through the “mail slot”. Like a good jab, the ship could hit hard and fast. Unfortunately, it couldn’t outrun my memories.

The first real ship Marcus advised me to build my bounty hunting reputation on was a Vulture. We named it “JJE”, which stood for Judge Jury and Executioner. We retired a lot of pirates in that ship, enough to pay for our wedding. We even flew that little puddle-jumper out to New America in Quince for our honeymoon. As soon as we got back Marcus bought a Fer De Lance. The last time I saw my husband I was in that ship, and because of it I had never stepped foot in another one. That is, until Malcolm asked me to.

Read the rest here: Chapter 11
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