Logbook entry

Battle for Awawar: Epilogue

21 Nov 2018MMMMMalcolm
(OOC:  Thanks to everyone following and liking my logs. Today marks the end of the ongoing first person account of Commanders Malcolm Goodwin and Kay Wantz. I must admit I am finding it hard to keep the story line interesting , believable, and relevant to the game all at the same time. Going forward the stories will be about their adventures as a couple. This should afford me better plots since I no longer have to make sure each one ties in with the previous. Hopefully, they will be more entertaining for you. So without further ado, I give you the final chapter in The Battle for Awawar. Enjoy.)

It felt like I was nine all over again. Like the time when Tom and Nancy Simmons, umm I mean Jacob and Olivia, -I still hadn’t come to grips with their real identities, took me to France. They were interested in the wine, the food, the scenery. I was excited about riding the train. Aside from my disbelief we were traveling over 700 kilometers per hour, I was intrigued by all the strangers we met along the way. If I didn’t have my face glued to a window staring at the countryside whizzing by, I was staring at a fellow traveler imagining them to be a spy or a criminal on the run or some other wild child’s fantasy. Little did I know how close my daydreams were to reality.

I paused briefly in my memories but I was determined not to let the past spoil the moment, or the coming moment I should say. I double-checked my bags making sure they were adequately filled and then I carried them out into the living room. Kay’s bags were already packed. It figured. Her eyes lit up when I suggested we take a vacation. She got downright giddy when she asked where we were going and I told her it was a surprise.

I found her in the bathroom, finishing her makeup. She looked gorgeous in a pair of faded jeans and a white tank top, which she covered with a black blazer. She maintained her casual vibe by rolling her sleeves up past her elbows. I stood staring at her, appreciating every elegant inch until she became uncomfortable.

“What?” she asked. “Did I smudge my lipgloss?”

“Nope, you’re perfect.” She blushed at the compliment. “Are you ready to go?” After a couple more checks she closed her makeup kit and stored it in a small bag.

“Ready when you are.” She turned gave me a quick kiss and then led the way out of the suite. I grabbed our bags as I followed.

Read more here: Epilogue
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