Logbook entry

Ripples: Chapter 7 "Closure"

08 Feb 2019MMMMMalcolm
OOC: This story was based off a Role Play with Damian Blaide, Cernig Dix, and Stryker Aune  I came up with the idea to try and make the experience a game of hide and seek. Me and Stryker had to find Damian and Cernig based off of clues they left to their location. First one to find them won the game. Loser had something bad happen to their character.

Awesome story tellers, each of them. It was fun. If you have not subscribed to their logs, you should.  So without further delay, please enjoy the ending of "Ripples".

It was official, Smix had a full blown man-crush on Borff. Following the lumbering giant these few weeks he learned he didn’t ever want to become his target. His communication line interrupted his admiration.

“Smix! Where is that brainless pile of meat now? I would like a report that has more than one word in it.” He wondered if sleeping with Vexxus would be equivalent to courting a Black Widow spider - where the male got eaten afterwards? He took another moment to savor the thoughts of her attempting to kill him after some rough sex.


“Right… right. Remember, you sent him to look for DeMarr at Darwin Hub in the Wei Hua system.” True, though he never went. “He’s on his way to the next choice in your list, Melbourne Park in the Alioth system.” That was a lie. He started lying to his mistress the moment he learned Borff had doubled back in order to FOLLOW HER. Curiosity had gotten the best of him. The line went dead. A moment later he listened in as the frustrated assassin contacted her other subordinate.



“Report!” It took everything Smix could think of to keep from laughing.

“No find DeMarr.” Of course not you big oaf, you haven’t been looking. You’ve been following Veexxus from system to system while SHE looked. There was a long pause and he could hear her frustration as she breathed  heavily before responding.

“Where are you now?”

“W… Wa...W…”

“Wei Hua?” She cut him off. Smix nearly fell out of his pilot’s seat trying not to laugh. If Borff ever considered a second career, he would suggest he give acting a try.


“Stupid riddles. This is taking way too long. Snitch must have double-crossed me.” He heard her mumble as she voiced her thoughts. “Move on to the next system and keep me posted!”

“Yyyy...” The line closed before he could finish.


When the comm line closed, Galnet audio dominated the cockpit again.

The Alliance Assembly has concluded its debate over President Gibson Kincaid’s request for executive powers.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon announced the decision:

“The Assembly has voted that President Kincaid’s proposed changes to the constitution will not be adopted, and no executive powers will be granted.”

“There was broad agreement, however, that the role should be updated, which has resulted in the creation of a new non-political department: the Office of the Alliance President.”

“The president will now oversee a team of ambassadorial emissaries who will focus on diplomatic functions. This will free up council members, allowing them to govern more effectively. The presidential term has also been extended to three years.”

President Kincaid told the media:

“I regret that the Assembly cannot see how the Alliance would be strengthened by an empowered president, but I must respect their decision, and promise to put my new team of emissaries to good use.”

In related news, the investigation into the death of Alliance presidential candidate Fazia Silva has concluded. No convictions have been made.

Inspector Erin Sangster of Alliance Interpol made this statement:

“The death of Fazia Silva has been officially ruled as homicide. The use of a sophisticated nerve toxin and the circumvention of security at Hume Orbital suggests the involvement of one or more professional assassins.”

“Unfortunately, we have now exhausted all possible avenues of investigation, and are left with no option but to consider the case closed.”

President Gibson Kincaid told the media:

“I have no doubt that the murder of Ms Silva was designed to disrupt our democracy, and I will not rest until the Alliance’s enemies pay for their crimes.”

Tashmira Silva has now assumed permanent control of her late sister’s corporate empire.

Borff switched off the report as he stopped his ship just inside the no-fire zone and watched Vexxus guide her FDL into the station. She was right, her search was taking way too long -three weeks now- and the Order wasn’t a group you kept waiting. His comms system lit up. He answered it on the first chime because he knew only one person could have this frequency.

“What is your wish my Master?”

The holographic image displayed before the man mountain was dark and shadowy. The figure wore a hooded cloak weaved from heavy fabrics and adorned with geometric shapes designed to conceal not only his or her identity but their size and shape as well. It spoke with a voice synthesized to remove all identifying features.

“The Order has failed to change the power structure in the Alliance Presidency. The Order never fails. Since Vexxus did not bring the one responsible as instructed, judgement must rest at HER feet. Bring me her arms; show her her reach isn’t as long as mine.”

“It will be done.”

The giant rose from his seat and lumbered to the back of his modified Krait Phantom. After entering the required code and allowing a scanner high on a wall to skim over his left retina, huge robotic arms whirred into motion. They began attaching armor to his flight suit, transforming the already huge man into a juggernaut. When finished he turned to face the way he came in. Strong electromagnets anchored his feet to the hull.Three large cables extended to attach themselves to his suit; one at the base of his helmet and two in his back. The visor in his helmet lit with the view outside his canopy, overlaid with his ship’s HUD. Borff was an assassin; not a pirate or a bounty hunter. His ship was engineered for speed and stealth to cripple his targets before they even knew what happened. Then he would board and look into their eyes as he took their life. A few commands later, all non-essential ship systems had their power routed to the weapons and shields. Then Borff closed his eyes and waited.


“Ship released; you are cleared to exit the station Commander.”

“It’s about %$! time,” Vexxus spat. “This whole thing has been a big %$! waste of my time! After three weeks  and zero results, I’m certain I don’t have any more time left. So now what?” Dazzling Decay slipped away from their latest deadend while her pilot contemplated their next move.

“Logic dictates I fly to Colonia as fast as my FSD will jump,” she thought out loud. “But Colonia isn’t as remote as it used to be and it’s too obvious. It wouldn’t take long for the Order to find me there. Besides, I can’t let that wench just get away with this can I?” She weighed the risk of remaining in the Bubble as opposed to escaping it. “No, no I can’t.” Two kilometers past the ‘No Fire Zone’, she entered the coordinates for the Awawar system.

“Under Attack.” Her Fer De Lance shook as flechette exploded all around it. “Warning, shield breach attack, taking damage. Thrusters reduced fifty percent.” The assassin looked at her radar. Other than the contacts surrounding the station her radar was clear. She looked out her canopy; nothing.

“OK, new plan; get the %*$! outta here and then head to the Pleiades. Maybe the ‘goids will be enough to keep the Order off my back.” Vexxus routed power between her engines and systems as fast as her fingers would allow, then pointed her ship toward the first jump point and engaged her FSD all while keeping one eye on her radar screen.  White icons appeared streaking toward the rear of her ship. Two more explosions rocked her vessel, one right after the other.

“Warning, shield breach attack, taking damage. Shields offline. Thrusters offline. Frame Shift canceled. Initiating reboot sequence.”

“Reboot! I didn’t tell you to reboot, I told you to jump you stupid tin can!” Vexxus cursed. She knew what was happening and who ordered it. Her mind raced as she considered her options. Immediately she killed all power to her ship, engaged her Remlok helmet, and grabbed her burst rifle and combat knife from the weapons locker. “You want me, come and get me,” she muttered and left the bridge.


“Target Shields offline. Thrusters offline. Frame Shift canceled. Reboot sequence initiated.”

Borff listened as his ship’s COVAS reported what he already knew.

“Launch the hatch breaker...Open bay two, I’m going for a walk.”

“I have command of the mothership Commander. Disabling silent running.”

Red lights flashed all around the giant as his mag-boots disengaged and the floor beneath him opened, allowing the vacuum of space to pluck him from his perch. Once clear, tiny thrusters directed him to and through the huge hole the limpet cut out of the FDL’s hull. His mag-boots reengaged with a THUD; announcing his hulking presence in the cargo hold of the crippled ship.

Shock gave way to rage as the armored trespasser turned toward the main cargo bay door.

“Borff?!” Vexxus yelled rising from behind some empty cargo canisters.

“Yyyyup.” Was his only reply as a wicked grin escaped his clear visor. She squeezed the trigger of her rifle modified for rapid fire. A million points of light rippled against a green field protecting their target. THUD. His grin grew as he took a step closer. More shots flew, to the point her rifle began to glow from the heat. They too had no effect. THUD… THUD…
She dropped the useless weapon, thought for a second, then turned and ran out of the cargo bay. THUD… THUD… THUD… each step shook and reverberated through the bulkheads. She raced up the main corridor toward her cockpit. Her pulse increased with each booming step of her pursuer. A foot from her cockpit door, she nearly jumped out of her flight suit when she heard him crash through the cargo bay door and charge down the corridor after her. THUD, THUD, THUD, THUD, THUD. She took a second to glance behind her as the cockpit door closed. What she saw was a caucophy of sparks and mangled bulkheads as the monster forced his armored bulk through the narrow passage.

“Computer, engage self-destruct sequence!” she commanded while strapping into her chair.

“Self-destruct requires command level auth…”

“Authenticate: Whiskey Echo Alpha Lima Lima Delta Indigo Echo!”

“Authentication confirmed. Ship will self-destruct in ten seconds.” She relaxed a bit, ignoring the growing roar of chaos outside her door.

“Escape pod for me, explosion for you Borff.” She counted down with the system. Five… four… three… CRASH! The cockpit door flew past her off-centered seat through the canopy in front of her. A second later all the air was forced from her lungs as a force impacted the rear of her seat, ripping it from its mount, and hurling it out the hole left by the door. Glancing over her shoulder, all she could see was Borff’s sinister grin framed by the bright light of her exploding ship.

After the jets in his suit stopped their momentum, the giant grabbed his prey by the throat to separate her from her chair. He ignored her blows, as arms and legs beat weakly against his armor, like blades of grass against a shed wall. He pulled her close. He wanted to look deep into her eyes.

Vexxus screamed as the joints in her shoulders strained against the force exerted upon them. Overcome with the shock of having her arms torn from her body, she drifted toward the dimming light of unconsciousness, escorted by one irritating thought.

“Stupid riddles…”


3 Months Later

Kay gently knocked on the door to her father’s study. It had become an impromptu office during the last month of his rehabilitation. He was sitting behind his cherrywood desk scanning through reports of trade operations.

“Hey sweetheart,” he said as he rose from his leather chair. He met his eldest daughter just before she reached his desk and gave her a big hug. She returned the greeting even though her heart wasn’t in it. She held her father more to fix her expression than to show affection.

“I can’t stay long; I have to get back to Awawar and help Malcolm; AWE is expanding. I just stopped by to see how you were doing.” Half of that was true. “Have you completely recovered from the affects of the Aganippe Rush?”

Anthony gestured for his daughter to sit as he rested on the edge of his desk in front of her.

“Oh, you know me. It will take a lot more than a few psychotropic induced hallucinations to keep your old man down.” Kay frowned as she stared at her father. There was a lot more, but she was unsure how to confront him with it. “Don’t worry about me. The doctors tried out some new Nanomed treatment that has become available. They said I should have no long term effects from my exposure and my occasional headaches and addictive cravings should pass as long as I stay away from the stuff.” She looked down at her hands resting in her lap.

“That’s good to hear.” Mr. Wantz reached out and placed a hand on hers.

“What’s wrong; you and Malcolm get into a fight?” Kay sighed. Her father always told her to grab life by the balls. She figured this time was no different than any other.

“No daddy Malcolm and I didn’t get into a fight. I’m just wondering if mom wasn’t right all along. She tried to warn me being a pilot would leave me at the mercy of others pulling the strings.” Kay looked into her father’s eyes. “I thought she was being controlling. I had no idea she was trying to shield me from YOU.” Anthony drew his hand back and straightened his posture.

“That’s ridiculous; you have nothing to fear from ME. I’m your father. I love you.”

“Really? Who really was behind that business in Guangul that nearly killed me? And why did you have my best friend killed?” Mr. Wantz’s eyes went wide with shock.

“What’s gotten into you young lady? Where is this coming from?” Kay looked down again. She made note that the man who raised her, taught her right from wrong, didn’t deny the accusation.

“Captain Reynoso, the chief of the Allied Police on Leichhardt Enterprise in Lawd 52, debriefed Malcolm and I yesterday on the motive behind your abduction. Lannius DeMarr believed your marriage to mom granted you access to secrets he could sell to the Empire as a backup plan to fixing an Alliance election Malcolm and I somehow screwed up.” Mr. Wantz rose off his desk and returned to his seat behind it.

“Are you listening to yourself honey? You sound as though you were exposed to Aganippe Rush too.” Kay looked up at her father.

“I said the same thing to the Captain. But I couldn’t deny his evidence. DeMarr recorded every drug induced word you uttered into a cranial data storage implant. He had a script in that implant that began corrupting the data at the moment of his death. Reynoso’s forensics team couldn’t recover everything.” Mr. Wantz couldn’t hide the exhale of relief. Kay added that to her pile -strike two. “But after they interrupted the script they recovered enough; like the fact you tested an asset from a secret federal weapons program by ordering it to kill your partner and destroy a shipment he was delivering so you could assume control of what was then Wantz and Clayton Shipping. That program originated on a remote outpost in Smethells 56.” Anthony didn’t answer, he just slumped in his chair wishing he could melt into the fabric. “They are unsure where the assets generated from the program are. They don’t believe you know. Just like you didn’t know Mr. Clayton took his only daughter Stacey, my best friend, with him on that delivery.”

“So you came to warn me the Captain notified the Feds who are on their way to arrest me?” Kay wanted to cry. How could the man she loved and idolized be such a monster?

“No daddy. They also were able to recover some files and data regarding DeMarr’s smuggling business and a government black-ops level encrypted folder titled ‘DITS’. I convinced them to take the info in exchange for not notifying federal authorities. I came because you owe me an explanation since what I’m saying is true.” After learning of his freedom, the trader’s whole demeanor changed.

“I owe you no such thing!” Strike three, Kay thought. “Look around you, everything you have is because of me. I don’t have to explain my actions to you.” Kay rose from her seat devastated. Her relationship with her father would never be the same.  As she turned to leave her father sent one last message her way. “You should be happy you didn’t listen to your mother. The ones who pull the strings have to make some hard choices they have to live with the rest of their life.”

“I’m glad you’re recovering daddy.” Kay closed the door behind her as the tears flowed down her face.
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