Cmdr CMDR Baker-Baker
Space cowboy / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Ucff John A. Warden
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette BAKER
Overall assets
Phoenix Eternals
Li Yong-Rui

Logbook entry

Off to the Void

01 Aug 2023CMDR Baker-Baker
On 1 August, 3309 I leave to venture out into the unknown. My goal is to find a system that The Eternals can use as a fall back position and utilize the resources to survive in the event the Bubble falls. Its a lofty dream, but it beats rolling over for the Bugs to mow us down while we fight to the death. Seeing the Titans and what the Bugs are now capable of worries me. Damn Salvation, if he didn't set off that damn Proteus Wave and fail miserably we would be fighting eight of these giant bastards to begin with.

As I depart known space Look over the last bit of Galnet News I may see for quite some time. Humanity seems to be beating the bugs back; they estimate we will see over half the formerly Bug-Controlled systems free of their influence by next week. That Megaship that had the Feds deported Far-God cultist have been found around HIP 19600 after they commandeered it from the Feddie guards onboard. Bet they wanted their Bug-Gods to eat them to transcend or whatever. Oh well, sucks when your stupid. I've seen the Goids up close and they don't look like they want a bunch of religious nuts praying to them, human or not.

I feel guilt in leaving my brothers to fight alone and manage our systems, but this plan is sound. Even if we are beating them back, having a fall back plan makes sense. Like my Dad said "Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Plus this may be good for me to get away from the war for a bit. Too many good men died and I watched as they were blown apart by Bugs with no remorse.

Too much death. And we need every contengency for our survival as a species we can get. If this is my last entry, I failed and hopefully humanity survived...
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