Cmdr CMDR Baker-Baker
Space cowboy / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Ucff John A. Warden
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette BAKER
Overall assets
Phoenix Eternals
Li Yong-Rui

Logbook entry

Return to the Bubble

19 Oct 2023CMDR Baker-Baker
Its been over two months since I left on this stupid journey. I go within several thousand lightyears of civilization and received an overdue data-dump for the crew; mostly letters for the crew. We started looking through the news and discovered some grim news; humans have been getting kidnapped by the bugs. Our helmsman discovered his brother was possibly captured by the bugs. There was a big rescue push against the Titans, so he hold out hope. That was only one example of many pieces of dreary news crewmembers received: dead family from the war, missing sons and daughters, the list goes on.

I received word that the Eternals are planning to make a push against the newest Bug foothold called a Spire, which apparently was discovered after I left. Rescue efforts are still underway and people are concerned that the bugs are here to stay.

My First Officer and I thought it over and decided it's time to return. We are jumping cautiously home so as to not burn out our FSDs before we arrive and have enough Tritium to make a trip home and back to Colonia if we wanted. We have a few options on systems to fall back to in the void if needed, but none are the perfect option. Either way, its time to make haste and return to the fight. Once we are within a few jumps of home we will engage combat protocols and stand by with my AX ship John A. Warden to push back and bugs. I don't foresee any immediate danger upon returning to Lao Wangu since I received word that the Eternals systems haven't seen any bug activity, but we can't drop our guard. Also just in case the War Machinima will be on standby for me to scramble in case of pirates or other unwelcome guest.

Daimyo Baker-Baker is coming home.
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