Logbook entry

DSI Corporate Activity Log - 11-24-01

25 Nov 2015Calteru Taalo
LONG RANGE STARPORT OPERATIONS : Route completed with no difficulties, but main pilot complained of having to fly a ship with a messed-up interface - apparently, the directional overlays on the ship's HUD are "freakin' huge". Promised T9 pilot captaincy of upcoming Corvette. Pilot ceased complaining.

LONG RANGE OUTPOST OPERATIONS: Tested Marathon, found Marathon was better suited for the outpost route than Guarantor. Recommend refitting Guarantor for deep-space exploration duties. T6 pilot was upset, however, that docking computer was removed during Marathon's retrofit to include more cargo space. Promised T6 pilot captaincy of upcoming Corvette. Pilot ceased complaining.

SECURITY INITIATIVE: Not much happening on the security front. The only incident of note was an Eagle pilot attempting to cry out for attention by blockading starship ports, but said pilot was summarily ignored and destroyed by a passing T9 before anyone could be bothered to respond. Sentinel's pilot complained of boredom; told him to STFU and maybe I'd let him captain the Corvette we're getting. Pilot proceeded to STFU.

For 11-25, recommend scouting immediate area around Sothis to begin mining operations. In the near future, we'll need to start scouting for deals on the new Corvette. Can't wait to captain that thing...

CMDR Sid Taalo
Head of Logistics
Deep Space Industries
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