Logbook entry

DSI Corporate Activity Log - 11-27-01

28 Nov 2015Calteru Taalo
LONG RANGE STARPORT OPERATIONS: Extremely quiet day. Only one shipping contract, very little sludge - not even a single interdiction attempt. May have been the happiest I've ever seen Portie's pilot. Estimated profit is 1 million credits

SECURITY INITIATIVE: Got tired of hearing the Sentinel pilot whine, so turned him loose in Ceos for a pirate sweep. Pilot responded by completing 11 contracts and taking down 31 pirates. Total payout is estimated at 6 million credits.

LONG RANGE OUTPOST OPERATIONS: Outposts made up for the lack of starport work by sending Marathon out on 10 contracts to 10 different places. All were delivered on time. Total haul is estimated at 15 million credits.

This weekend: Mining.

CMDR Sid Taalo
Head of Logistics
Deep Space Industries
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